Mission undercover

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An undisclosed location in Siberia, Russia....

Julia, Nat and Beth landed in a plane a few hours ago. While the other girls rested up in a room, Nat went around to gather some intel to help them out. Julia paced by the window, would stop then begin pacing again.

"Jules sit down you are making me dizzy," Beth said from a chair, "She'll be back soon."

"I'm just thinking of ways to torture those three when we finally get them out. My problem is they may actually like it," Julia says then starts pacing again.

Beth sighs and before long the door opens with Nat walking in. She takes off her hood and walks over to the two girls.

"Well?" Julia asks.

"I found them and here's the thing they are being auctioned off in a black market ring. All of the people they have fought want them so they can hurt them, but we need to win them in this auction and Jules I'm afraid you're going to have to be the one to bid on them. So, I have the perfect idea for what you should wear. We cannot give away who you are, or the guys will definitely give it away that we are here to get them out," Nat explains.

Julia nods, "So what do I have to wear and what is my motive to buy them?"

"Well, I brought the exact outfit for you and your motive is..."

"What, what is it?" Julia asks.

"You are a bored noblewoman, a black sheep of the family if you will and you want the guys as your sex slaves," Nat says waiting for the shock to set in.

Julia's eyebrows go up "Is that all?"

Nat nods, "Now we have to get you ready. Beth will be your assistant and I will be your bodyguard. We have been instructed that money is no object to get these three back."

"So basically, I can bid no matter how high to get them back?" Julia asks.

"Exactly and your name will be the Duchess Jordana Roberts. We've kept it to your initials, but the guys won't know who you are. Cause I know they'll react if they know who you are. Now let's get you dressed to impress," Nat says with a grin.

Two hours later...

A black rolls Royce pulls up to a warehouse and three figures get out. One dressed in black leather with red gloves, carrying a cane and wearing black stiletto heels. The other two are more sedately dressed. Once at the door the one shows the doorman their invitation, are given masks to wear and are escorted inside.

Beth and Nat take up their stations beside Julia as she sits down. Nat stands on her right with her hands in front of her constantly scanning the area for threats as any good bodyguard should. Beth is on her left holding a notebook and leans down on occasion to whisper assurances in Julia's ear that everything was going to go according to plan.

More and more people filter in. Whispers filled the area with plans on what to do with the three avengers that are on the 'chopping block' so to speak.

In the back...

Bucky, Loki and Steve were in chains with bruises and cuts on their faces. They were leaning their heads back against the wall of the cage they were being kept in.

"She's gonna kill us if we don't make it back," Bucky groaned.

"Wrong she's gonna be heartbroken if we don't come back," Loki explained.

"We should've explained everything to her then she may not have run off like she did," Steve replied.

"She looked so heartbroken when she left. I swear if we make it out of here, she is going to be so spoiled that she'll never want for anything," Loki sighs.

A bang sounded on the bars "Get up you three it's time to see where you're gonna end up. There are so many people here who want you dead. I even heard one of the women here is a bored noblewoman who wants you three as her bedroom play toys. C'mon up!"

The guys groan and get up to follow their captor to the stage.

In the audience...

Julia waits patiently with Nat and Beth. When she sees her guys she swallows a gasp at how beaten up they look. Nat places a hand on her shoulder and squeezes slightly reminding her not to blow her cover.

"Now ladies and gentlemen here we have the top three avengers: Loki, the god of mischief, Bucky Barnes, aka the winter soldier and Captain America. What do I bid for these fine specimens?" the emcee asks

The bids come fast and furious. Julia bids as well; every time someone bids, she goes up at least a hundred more. She even blows a kiss to the guys.

Loki looks confused for a minute when he sees a leather clad woman wearing stilettos blow them a kiss. Her bodyguard seems familiar, but he shakes it off.

"Who's the doll in the leather?" Bucky whispers to Loki

"No clue soldier. She must be that bored noblewoman who wants us for bedroom play toys. It's gonna be sad if she gets us, cause we can't get it up unless it's for our soulmate," Loki replies.

"Sold to Duchess Jordana Roberts. Step right up and pay the doorman on your way out to collect your prize. Enjoy them with good health my lady," the emcee says with a grin.

Julia walks out with Beth following her. Nat grabs the guys' chains and pulls them out behind the other ladies.

"Put them in the car with me if you would," Julia says getting into the backseat.

The guys sneer and just do as told getting in the back seat.

"Can we be unchained now please my dear?" Loki asks holding up his cuffs.

Julia wags her finger at him "Not yet my pet."

Half an hour later....

The rolls pulls up to a private jet and Julia along with Beth get out to walk towards the plane. Julia puts a little swagger into her walk cause the guys are walking behind her grumbling to themselves. Nat shoves them when they walk too slow. Once inside the jet, Nat heads to the cockpit and starts the plane. Soon they are on their way.

"So now that you have us what do you plan on doing with us?" Bucky asks.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe slap the hell out of you for worrying me half to death!"

The guys look confused till Julia takes off her sunglasses.

"I may be furious at you, but I wasn't going to let you be auctioned off and sent hell knows where," she sighs rubbing her eyes.

Beth takes off her wig "You boys are in for it trust me."

Nat sets the plane on autopilot and comes into the back "Why the hell didn't you let us know what was going on you bunch of morons?"

When the guys don't answer Julia just grumbles "You know what Nat I don't care anymore. All they care about is themselves and what's in their pants. Oh, I'm sorry they only want to give it to each other. I'm sick of being last choice in this group. Once we get home I..."

She didn't notice the guys were staring at her in her leather outfit with the high heels.

Beth puts a hand on her shoulder getting her to quiet down.

"Shh its ok Jules, we'll take care of them," Beth says, "She's hurt you idiots and I don't blame her if she walks away even if her heart is breaking which it clearly is."

"Hand over your credit card Loki, now," Nat demands holding out a hand, "Once we land Beth and I are taking Julia on a spa weekend, while you three sit and think about what you three did. By the way, no touching yourselves or each other for two weeks."

They look shocked and look over to see their girl about in tears. After Nat takes the chains off them the rest of the trip includes them trying to comfort her and assure her, she's the only woman they want.

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