Prolouge Pt. 1

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10 year old Toyoko sat on the couch, gently cradling his youngest sister, watching his three other siblings play. Currently, their parents were off on a mission for their jobs. Toyoko glanced at the clock, before returning his attention to his siblings.

8 year old Himoya was twirling in her pink ballerina skirt, the color clashing with her monotone sweats, as her long blonde hair swung with her. She had a paper crown on her head as she stood in front of her two 'subjects.'

6 year old Tomiko was clapping, her oversized jester hat covering one of her eyes. Giddy giggles came from her as she gazed at her sister twirling, her skirt poofing out. As for 3 year old Himoko, he was staring blankly at Tomiko, not understanding the excitement she got from watching their older sister.

"Now my beloved people! It is time for the crowning of our princess!" Himoya declared as she grabbed Toyoko's sleeve, tugging him and 1 year old Yuzuki towards the others. "Kneel my knight!" she commanded, grinning as the eldest knelt down, rolling his eyes. "Now, I present to you all! Princess Yuzuki! Princess of the baby food!" Himoya announced placing a poorly colored crown on her sister's head.

Tomiko cheered, her squeals filling the empty room. Himoko narrowed his eyes at his overly energetic sister, before crawling onto the couch. Yuzuki, having been awoken by the screeching, peered at her siblings, before chewing on her crown, which had fallen onto her stomach.

"No! Bad princess! Crowns are not for chewing! You might swallow a diamond!" Himoya lectured as she fought with the baby over the paper crown.

Toyoko sighed, placing Yuzuki on the floor before heading to the panty, hoping to find something he could use to make dinner. As he filed past his mothers shelf of stolen labeled blood, he considered his options. After a few minutes of searching, he found some pasta. He hummed in approval before climbing the shelf reaching for the pasta. 

Once he had returned to the floor, he walked out of the pantry grabbing a stolen pot, poured water into it and put it on the stove. He grabbed a stool and stood, watching as the water reached the boiling point. Once it reached it he poured the pasta into the pot, hissing as a stray drop of boiled water hit his skin. He continued to mix the pasta until it was nice and soft. He turned off the stove and took the pot to the sink, pouring out the water. He then placed it on the table, grabbing plates for his siblings.

"Himoya! Tomiko! Himoko! Dinner!" he shouted, grabbing Yuzuki's baby food and setting it by his plate.

He watched as his siblings filed in, Himoya carrying the Princess of Baby Food. He took Yuzuki from his sister and set her down in her booster. As he and his siblings scarfed down their food, a loud creak suddenly echoed throughout their old, dusty house. They all froze, minus Yuzuki who was blubbering at her mashed carrots.

"T-Toyoko...? W-what was that?" Himoya whispered, fearfully staring at her older brother.

Toyoko shook his head before sending his sister a comforting smile. "It's probably just the wind. You know how creaky this house is." 

Himoya nodded, relaxing before returning to her half eaten pasta. The others followed suit as Yuzuki continued to lecture her food. Then suddenly a loud bang rang through the house. All five children looked towards the living, where the sound had come from.

"This is the police department! We have a warrant to search this house! Anyone who is here is ordered to come to the front door for questioning!"

Himoya and Toyoko exchanged glances. Only they knew of their parents' true profession. HImoya stared at Toyoko with wide eyes, fear evident in her features.

"Himoya, grab Tomiko. I'll get Himoko and Yuzuki. Follow me. We'll go through the back door." Toyoko whispered.

Tomiko looked up at her older siblings, tears pooling in her eyes. "W-why are the police here? What did we do wrong?"

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