30. Winds Of Change

Start from the beginning

"I am scared! I'm here studying art and didn't expect this to happen." I whisper.

"Life's unpredictable. I will prescribe you prenatal vitamins and you can come back in two weeks." Dr Conti said and gave me the script. I scheduled the appointment for three weeks. After the doctor's appointment, I got to work and sighed while hanging up my leather jacket and bag. I walked inside and saw Michel running over to me.

"Miss Isla! Come come, let me show what I drew." The little curly haired boy says while holding my hand, although I felt exhausted. Michel gave me a lot of strength, I wondered if my baby would be like him. Would she or he have curly hair? Be a carbon copy of Will, it would be the cutest thing. I was so nervous to tell Will and how could I tell him? Especially the band was taking off, and he would be held back.

"So what is that you drew?" I asked him, while kneeling next to Michel's table.

"I drew you, Will, me and Milo the day that we spent together. Where is Will?" He asks me.

"Oh he is in America right now playing shows, would you like to see?" I asked him and Michel's face lit up and I pulled out my iPhone and showed him the video of Kyle and Will performing Lifeblood.

"Can I go someday?" Michel asks me and I laughed.

"You should ask mummy that question. Is this drawing for me?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yes it is for you!" He said with a smile, I looked at the little child after the day I had, he was so considerate. We were putting the children down for a nap, while Victoria and Luna were standing with me.

"So what happened at the doctors?" Asks Luna and I inhaled deeply while I drank decaffeinated black tea and explained.

"I'm three weeks pregnant, I have to go back in two weeks in order to get checked out." I said, while sighing.

"Are you keeping the baby? Have you told Will?" Victoria asks me with concern and I sighed.

"No I haven't, and I don't know how to tell him over the phone about the pregnancy and what if he doesn't want me anymore? I am so scared guys." I whisper while crying and Victoria walked me outside.

"Will doesn't seem like a bad guy, I'm sure that he understands. Isla the man loves you, he flew across the pond to see you, I am sure he is thinking of you all the time!" Victoria said, I nodded while I sobbed.

"Isla you're going to be a wonderful mother. But don't push him away Isla. You can't hide this forever, he will find out the truth." Victoria said.

"The only way I could hide it is have an abortion or just put up the baby up for the adoption." I blurt out while Victoria handed me tissues and I sobbed.

"Isla you're not thinking straight!" Victoria said and we headed inside and looked after the children


We were heading onto the next state to play in New Orleans, I loved it there. But my mind lingered on Isla. Was she alright? We had spoken for a while but today since we were on tour. We couldn't get in touch with her. I was scrolling through my phone, while we headed inside.

"Will this is so unlike you, you're very quiet today. Is everything okay with you?" Asks Mike while he sat on the couch in the lounge area of the bus.

"Everything is fine, just thinking about something." I said while locking my iPhone while playing with my thumbs.

"Are you thinking about Isla?" Asks Mike and I nodded, while we glanced at each other.

"Yes, she lingers on my mind. It is not easy man, I am sensing she is withdrawing from me. I am terrified, it isn't easy." I said, while I ran my hand through my curly hair.

"Long distance is never easy man, I usually miss my girlfriend and dog, sometimes we miss our homes. But Isla is accepting of your job, she loves you man. She'll come back to you. Maybe she is going through something." Mike explains and he did make sense.

"Yes I think you are right." I said with a smile, while we glanced at each other.

"How did she react when you were in Verona?" Asks Mike and I remembered in how shocked she was in. I missed her so damn much.

"She was so damn happy, oh wait she found a stray cat named Milo." I said while unlocking my phone and showing him a photo of the black and white tuxedo cat which made him laugh.

"See you two are perfect for each other!" Mike said while he handed me back the phone, while he scrolled through Isla and Milo together it made me smile looking back at those photos. Austin strolled in and he looked deep in thought.

"What's up dude? You good?" I asked Austin, and he nods.

"Just missing Isla man, it has not been easy but she says that the art program is finishing up soon and she is doing great." Austin said while I showed her photos of Milo and Isla, Austin was happy.

"This is so damn cute and wholesome! You two are the perfect match. Our rat King and Queen!" Austin said and I laughed.

"Oh shut up!" I said while nudging Austin away from me. We got into the show and kicked ass. I got off the stage all sweaty and took a shower and decided to send a goodnight text because she would be sleeping by the time I would be off stage.

"Killer show man!" I heard Kyle say while we hung out a little bit and we had a lot of fun, and interacting with each other. But I wasn't in the mood to party, today I just wanted to be alone and in a mellow mood.

"Hey do you want to join in for a party?" The guys ask me and I shook my head no.

"No I don't want to, I'm tired!" I said and walked off toward my bunk area and watched some movies on Netflix.

To The Hellfire (Will Ramos)Where stories live. Discover now