Sotam-part 2

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Wylie: Thank you all for coming tonight. Because of our last meeting at least that I was included in, I will be giving payback. Sophie, before anything is introduced, I would like that clipboard of yours. 

Sophie: Hands it over

Wylie: ALso Sophie, I'm going to apologize now. Hmmm... I guess the payback has already been given somewhat, but since the trial is marked as incomplete, I suppose it should be completed. Smirks Evilly

SOphie: Wait... incomplete? Oh, no. Not again. LAst time Tam threatened to kill Keefe, and I almost had to drop both of them with inflicting. 

Tam: Why am I getting all of this "payback". First Lihn, now you?

Wylie: What did lihn do?

Dex: mumbles Tiana

Wylie: grins

Biana: Don't think I don't see both of you, Tam and Sophie, blushing even though we aren't even talking about the ship yet.

Tam: As I said literally a few days ago that my sister did tell the girl I liked I liked her, she is just... oblivious.

Keefe: and As I said Yes the girl you like is oblivious.

Sophie: Wait: Lihn said that Tam liked me. But he-you-I always thought you liked Biana? Also your speaking privilege's have not been reinstated yet.

Tam: Wince I did Like Biana, then well... feelings change

Wylie: So... what should I put on this clipboard?

Lihn: Hold on, we almost got somewhere.

Both Tam and Sophie rolled their eyes at Lihn and Wylie

Tam: Yes I do like you Sophie, I have since the first time, I saw you facing-no actually fighting the Neverseen, standing tall and not shrinking away from them. 

Sophie: Tam... I um... like you too... I think.

Wylie: okay confessions over, are you two okay if I write, Sotam part two: compatible by reason of confession?

Sophie and Tam look at eachother and blush. Everyone notices Tams shadow push towards SOphie, her blush then nod.

Sophie: Yeah should work.

Biana: Yay the first couple that was wrought form these.

Wylie: Actually... the second.

Tam: Wait, if we are the second then... no. Lihn, I need to talk to you later. Wylie I swear if you don't leave right now...

Wylie:Leaps away

Sophie: Looks at the camera like in the Office Everytime, Everytime, there is always some sort or fight when sotam is mentioned.

Kotlc reacts to ships (neverseen not included) sorry soruy fansDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora