Chapter Two

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Author's note: First of all, thank you everyone for showing interest in my story!

"Are you even listening to me, JJ?"

It was for the third time that day that he was spacing out. For some unfathomable reason, he kept thinking about the insta-hate thing he got going on with the big man on campus or whatever Ray called Maddox 'Mad Dawg' Kingsley. They had almost bumped into each other ever since the classes started a few times around the quad, and each time, Jonathan had felt something like an uncomfortable tension waving off from the other. Almost, because he had made sure to change direction and put as much distance as he could between them, which was ridiculous because it made him seem like a coward, which he usually wasn't.

He didn't worry that Maddox might suddenly start a fight. No, his actual problems were closely related to the sudden and overwhelming effect those amazing gray eyes could have on him. He was obviously a sucker for punishment if he couldn't fend off this type of primal attraction he instantly felt toward that kind of man. After what had happened last year, he should have known better, and yet the moment he saw a typical bad boy, he was up for handing out the leash like a stray puppy looking for an owner.

Quite stubbornly, he had tried not to think of the guy at all. Each time his thoughts strayed there, he tried to convince himself that the resident BMOC was some drug peddler, a gangster, and someone who engaged in underground fights to feed who knew how many addictions, among which women were high on the list.

Maddox Kingsley was everything he didn't need in his life. What he needed in his life was a nice gay man who was safe and pleasant and could make him forget all about his past ordeals. Definitely not a straight bad boy with an attitude who growled at people instead of talking like a normal person.

"JJ," Ray called for him, this time a little louder. "What you got next?"

Jonathan consulted his schedule quickly. "Statistics. Did you choose it?"

Ray made a disgusted face. "More math? No, thank you. Hey, do you think we should go to a party this Saturday?"

"It depends. Were we invited?"

Ray made a small gesture like it didn't matter. "I think we should. And we could, you know, start our search for true love. By the way, I think I have the perfect candidate for you."

"You do?" Jonathan truly needed a distraction from his insta-hate affair slash forbidden attraction toward the BMOC of Sunny Hill. Great, courtesy of Ray, he was now thinking in acronyms and invented words.

"Connor Simmons," Ray said with self-importance. "He's a junior, too, and he's into green energy and eco-friendly stuff. He's out and proud, just as you like them, and he's currently single."

"All right. He sounds like a great person so far."

"He also likes parties," Ray added, "which obviously means that we need to go to some, too, just so that you get to bump into him and make his acquaintance."

"So, all is just a cunning plan to drag me to some party. I'm afraid I'm not the type to indulge so much in beer-infused shenanigans. Is there any other way for me to meet Connor?"

Ray nodded. He was on his phone, probably checking that horrible digital tabloid. After an evening spent being roped into the gossip vortex of Sunny Hill, Jonathan had promised himself that he would never let Ray do that to him ever again. Even after taking a long hot shower, he still felt dirty.

"Ah, that's perfect. He also takes Statistics, just like you."

"Is there something that tabloid doesn't know?"

Ray shrugged. "I have no idea. I mean, whoever's behind it, seems to know everything, even about your run in with Mad Dawg."

Jonathan would have preferred that thing to have remained between him and Maddox, but it looked like the gossip mill had taken that juicy piece of info, chewed it, and vomited it on computer and phone screens everywhere already.

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