"So, basically, I casually almost died Monday," Gyuri explained to Bonhwa and Mina, who sat at the dinner table in the apartment.

"Jesus," Bonhwa said and Mina shook her head. "That's crazy. Imagine dying because of nuts," she said with a chuckle repressed in her throat and Gyuri slapped her hand against her mouth.

"Cause of death: deez nuts," she laughed and the girls joined her, slapping the table in amusement.

"Oh my god. In all seriousness though, glad you're okay."

"Honestly, I owe it to Mark. He noticed it before I did and rushed to get my EpiPen."

"He knew you were allergic?" Bonhwa asked.

"Yeah, I had one allergic reaction when we were, like... 8 or something. He said he got so scared that day that he did some research on it in case it ever happened again," Gyuri said with a small pout. She found it incredibly sweet of him.

"That's adorable," Mina said and Bonhwa nodded. "You got yourself a good one there, miss." The doorbell rang, cutting off their conversation and Mina chuckled. "Speaking of the devil..."

Gyuri opened the front door to see not so much a devil as an angel standing in front of her apartment, wearing a soft smile when his girlfriend appeared. "Hey."

"Hey there," Gyuri smiled, closing the door so she could give him a peck on his lips. She giggled softly after and took his hand to take him into the living room. The two friends at the table looked up at the couple walking in and smiled seeing the joy of their friend.

"Hey Mark," Mina nodded. "Hey Mina," Mark replied. They chuckled at the depth of their dialogue before Mark's eyes fell on the other girl at the table, whom he hadn't met in person.

"Mark," Gyuri said, guiding him over to the table. "This is Bonhwa, one of my best friends. Bonhwa, this is Mark."

"Hey, Bonhwa. Nice to meet you," Mark said, bowing his head. Bonhwa did the same after she'd stood up and smiled. "Nice to meet you too. I've heard some great stuff about you."

"I'm flattered," Mark said and looked at Gyuri, who shrugged. "I tell them like it is. It's all you, baby," she said in a flirty tone and Mark had an amused smile on his face at the name. His heart had definitely jumped a little when she said that.

"Okay, we're going upstairs," Gyuri announced, walking away as Mark followed her after giving the two girls at the table a kind smile.

"Stay safe, you two," Mina teased and received a warning "Oi!" from Gyuri which she and Bonhwa laughed at before the couple disappeared into Gyuri's room. Gyuri lay down on the bed and stretched out her hands, inviting Mark in.

"Come here," she mumbled. "I need to hug you as much as I can before you leave," she said and Mark chuckled softly as he joined the girl on the bed and rested his body against her. His arm swung over her stomach as Gyuri's arms went around his shoulders to pull him closer. She inhaled his fresh smell and sighed deeply.

"I wish I could just hop into your suitcase and follow you around wherever you go."

She felt Mark's smile against her shoulder. "Same."

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