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Sup everyone, so this is my first fanfiction on wattpad involving Brol- I mean Issei! From the description you most likely read and the Image of this story you know what it's going to involve, so Issei X Harem OP + shy and non perverted Issei.

Harem include the canon girls along with Ophis/Lilith, Ravel, Tiamat, Female Gasper, Valerie, Nyx, Sona and Lint. (And maybe a few more)

Also for any power scalers reading this let me know if you're here!(I'm one too.) Because later on I will discuss how powerful these guys are. And let me know If I should draw some Images for these chapters.(Or try to at the very least)

Beginning of the story:

A seven year old boy who had spiky brown hair was eating his meal depressed. His father took notice of this and decided to talk to him.

Gorou: Hey little man. So I take it you are sad because of Irina-chan leaving right?

Issei responded only with a nod.

Gorou: Don't be sad Issei we both know she will be back later.

Issei: I know but that will take him years.

Gorou raid an eyebrow.

Gorou: Um Issei, you know Irina-chan is a girl right?

Immediately loosing the depressed mood Issei's eyes widened at his father's revelation. Instead Issei was now a full cherry red.

Issei: W-Wah?! So thats why he- I mean she kissed me when I was fake sleeping.

Gorou: Oh? My only son already has a bride?

After that comment Issei started to softly hit his father.

Issei: D-Dad c-cut that out!- Issei now begins to calm down.- And besides...I'm no longer going to be an only child soon.

Gorou: Hehe, but seriously now Issei you need to wait for her. Sure it might take a while but I'm sure she'll come around later. Plus we'll have to plan the wedding.

Issei was now in a better mood but still embarrassed by his father's antics.

Issei: Alright! Alright! Stop that! But....Thanks Dad.

Gorou: I can't help it, hehehe. But you have me and your mother around, and soon you will have another sibling.

Issei at that was now smiling.

Issei: I guess you're right.

Gorou smiled too.

Gorou: Alright Issei, now eat your food.

Later that Night

Issei suddenly woke up and decided to have a glass of water but when he got down stairs he noticed his mother and father by the fridge.

Gorou: Wanted to get some water too?

Issei: Yes.-Issei then takes a look at the window-Um Dad will it rain?

 Gorou and Miki look outside the window to see that the sky was a mix of iridescent colors

Miki: Gorou, go check the gas! I think we might be hallucinating from a leak!

Gorou: Calm down! since we're all seeing the same thing I doubt its as simple as that. We'll just go outside and see whats going on.

Miki and Gorou went out of Issei's sight through the front door but as they stepped outside Issei heard a metallic sound as well as a robotic roar. The boy then went outside to check on his parents but he saw no sign of them.

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