That Succulent Kidney

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John, Zac, and the kids looked around at all the eggs.

"I wonder what's in those..." Chaeryeong sighed.

"It's better we not find out!" John reassured.

"Too late." Jungkook said, hopping onto an egg, breaking it.

"NAURR" Zac yelled, dropping to his knees, crying like the world was ending.

All of a sudden, this ugly ass troll popped out. It was big, fluffy, and had wings. But it had the most hideous face known to man.

"Heya kids... HUHA! Need a lift?" The bitch asked, lending its wing out so everyone could climb on. They all looked at each other oddly, shrugged, and then hopped on.

The thing glided gracefully through the air, glitter shooting out of its ass as it went. The kids were screaming happily having the time of their life. John and Zac looked at each other, attraction in their eyes. Soon the bitch stopped.

"You've reached your destination... HUHA! The kidney... HUHA!" The bitch said, letting them down.

"Thanks bitch!" Jungkook smiled as the thing flew away.

"I think I know what we need to do!... or more so what me and Zac need to do." John said, examining the kidney. The kids looked at him curiously. "We have to make her insides tickle..."

"What?!" The kids said.

"Kids... just look away..." Zac reassured. The kids covered their eyes. Zac and John started licking the kidney and sucking on it. Soon, they heard laughing from the milfy grandma. "It's working!"

They did it for a little longer until they felt the kidney liquid start splish splaushing around. They got caught in it and it moved down a bunch of slimy icky tubes.

My Mom Ate Hyunjin: BOOK 2💕Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon