Before the chaos (y/n)

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Mature language


I was only 6 when this happened but my mother died due to suicide I don't know why she did it but they suspect that is was due to her bad past with her mother but that's the only thing we now but we should rewind to the past cause you might be very confused.

I was born April 16, 1986.
And i grew up with 2 sisters they were older than me so i wasnt really close when them but i was really close with my father he was the best he would buy me gifts and stuff for my birthday but he was also a good leader i really look up to him.


My mother on the other hand wasnt the best mother ever she at least cheated on my father twice just he didnt know about it until she died and that was about 10 years ago and a lot of things have changed like a lot.


"mama mama look at what i drew" i yelled while running up to my mother.
"y/n leave me alone i dont care" my mother said.
"but mothe-" "i said leave" my mither cut me off.
After that i decided to go to my father and show him my drawing.


"father look at what i drew"
I showed the picture i drew up to my father and he took it and looked at it for a while.
"this is very nice dear mabye after a while we can go get ice cream" he said and then he smiled his smile was the best.


"yay thank you dad" i yelled and ran back to my room i left the drawing with him but i really didnt care. I got to my room changee into my day clothes and decided to play the piano for the day cause i love the piano.


After about a hour i was called down for lunch
"y/n lunch is ready" Mrs. Rose said she was one of the maids she was really nice and my favorite person other than dad.


After that i git off the piano and ran downstairs to the dinning room it was all set up it looked really pretty but when i spotted my dad i ran up and sat next to him but i didnt see mom.


"papa weres mom" i said to my father.
"i dont know dear but i heard she will be here soon so we can start eating dont worry" my father said back.
"ok" after that little talk we started eating it wasnt quiet at all me and my dad were laughing and telling stories.


"but then the dragon came rawr" my dad made some dragon claws with his hand and we started laughing.
"but dad dragons aren't real"
"oh yes they are here after were done eating i wanna show you something" after that we continued to talk and joke around.


After we got done eating my dad took me to the library that we have which i sometimes use not all the time though cause i dont really read much but it was really pretty and big.


"y/n come over here" my dad whispered i walked over to where he was and there was bunch of books from back then but the didnt look to be in the best conditions ever.


"these are a bunch of books that were passed down aren't they cool" my dad said.
"woah can we read one" i said "but i thought you dont like reading" my dad said in confusion.
"yeah well thats changed now lets read one please"
"ok then"


My dad grabbed a book amd walked over to a couch and sat down and waited for me to sit down next to him after i sat down next to him he started reading.


About after a hour of reading i eventually fell asleep the book wawnt boring it just was calming but then after 4 hours i woke up it was now around 6:30pm and it was calm but normally its never calm but i didnt mind.


After that i went back to the piano amd started practicing again it was quite fun i learned 2 new songs in 4 hours cause now it was 10 so i put on my pjs turned off all my lights got in my bed and went to sleeo like always.


Heyyyyyy so this wasnt to long and the next one wont eaither cause the first 2 chapters are just showing micheals and the readers lifes so you can kinda Understand on whats going on but thats all hope yall enjoyed byeeee!!!!♡♡♡


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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