Chapter one

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"He did what?!"

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"He did what?!"

I open my mouth to answer but slam it shut when Brooke holds up her index finger as she's pacing through the living room of our cozy apartment.

"Don't you dare say it again," my roommate snaps, her eyes blaring with anger.

"What a dick," she curses under her breath and I scrunch my nose at the sound of her words because it reminds me of how stupid I was to not see the bright red flags.

"Maybe before we take our conclusions, she should talk to him to give him a chance to tell his side of the story," August, my other roommate, tries carefully.

"And what is he going to say? My dick accidentally slipped into my ex-girlfriend. OOPS. No, fuck that." She spins toward the couch where both August and I are sitting. "Fuck him. Fuck Logan Fisherman."

Logan Fisherman. The guy whom I've been casually dating for over two months. We never explicitly talked labels but I assumed the 'I'm not seeing anyone else' and his 'me neither' was clear enough.

Apparently, I was wrong.

"I mean, in his defense, we never talked about how exclusive we were."

"Lucie Bennett," Brooke snaps.


"No. No, no, no." With every no Brooke spits out, she takes a step toward me, her finger pointing at me as if it's her magic wand and she's ready to abracadabra me to silence.

"If your people-pleasing self isn't going to be harsh then I'll be judgemental for both of us. This is my judgemental hand representing me, this is my judgemental hand representing you." She holds her hands up like puppets in front of each other and moves them accordingly as if they're having a conversation.

"Logan is a dick." The hand, which is representing her, says.

"I agree." Mine answers.

"Logan can go fuck himself. I agree. We should forget about Logan because he is an awful human being for stringing you along for 8 fucking weeks, telling you he wasn't sleeping with anyone else. I agree. We should castrate him. BEST IDEA EVER. You're the nurse Luus, you know what materials to use."

I can't help but laugh at her theatrical puppet performance. Sure, I'm a nursing student but I'm only in my second year. All I've seen so far are textbooks, pictures of organs and diseases, and whatever I see during my days at the nursing home where I volunteer. The procedure of castrating someone hasn't been one of the topics discussed during my classes, so for all I know, her guess at how to castrate someone is as good as mine.

"Before you castrate him don't you think she should at least hear him out? People gossip. If I say I broke my pinky today, at the end of the week I was in a brutal accident and broke both my legs."

I shouldn't be surprised August is trying her best to reason with Brooke. She's rational, down to earth, and great at giving advice. However, those qualities only appear when she's not the protagonist. The moment she becomes the center of the problem, all rationality flies out of her body, causing her to spiral into a bottomless black hole of worst-case scenarios.

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