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Flower Flaws has come to an end.

I really don’t have plans to write this plot to an epistolary format. There’s no outline for this story. I just… went with the flow.

Flowers Flaws was inspired from a poem that I wrote months ago, that poem was purposely for my academic output only, but I got inspired from a line, “we are flawed flowers but watered.” I easily thought of the plot ‘cause ideas are really flooding my mind. So, I thought “why not write it?”

This tale was written as a dedication to all Miliwinkle out there. Please keep in mind that we all have flaws especially if you're one of those persons who's frightened to make a mistake. We make mistakes both knowingly and unknowingly. For those who rely on the approval of others for their achievements, you are enough. We grew and blossomed, much like flowers do once they're watered. So, as a product of the decisions we made, we grew as individuals, and I think that's what matters.

This isn’t perfect story, this isn’t unique, and this plot may be already wrote by someone, but I hope that you learn something from my story, and my characters as much as I did.

Thank you so much for reading Miliwinkle and Piker’s journey!

all the love,

Flower FlawsWhere stories live. Discover now