The fateful encounter

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Sunshine poured over the city of Naples (Italy), as I sprinted with all my might down the cobbled streets. My surroundings quickly became a blur, my haste increasing. Heart pounding at the speed of a bullet, my legs grew more and more achingly numb with each step. Then WHAM!

I felt my face make contact with another's and I was thrust backwards. 'What the hell!!' He exclaimed, fists clenched. 'Watch where you're-'

'Damn- Do you have a map? Because I think I'm getting lost in your eyes' He winked. I burst out in fits of laughter at the pure cheesiness of his attempt at trying to flirt.

'Im sorry, by the way! Really sorry I'm kinda in a hu-' Sadly I was cut off mid sentence because I sensed my pursuer was nearing, and fast. Bringing myself back to my senses, I darted past him.

While I was running though, I didn't notice that the antidote bottle for the poison contained in my blade flew out of my pocket. It smashed against the cobbles, though I hardly heard the sound.

'Hm?' the man I'd just come into contact with muttered. 'What the hell was that?!' he turned abruptly, taking notice of the shattered remains of my antidote and recoiling at its eerie smell. 'What the- what's this??' he questioned. 'Did that odd woman drop this?' Subconsciously he felt like they'd meet again.

Gasping for breath, I hurled my aching body down the streets. I wasn't normally such a coward in the face of the enemy but I was completely outnumbered. I ground my teeth together in my anguish, the fact I fell into that strange man earlier had slowed me down completely.

My own incompetence was bound to get me killed.

I thought back to the beginning, my mind searching.. searching for the reason I was here.

- 2 years ago -

The breeze was chillingly cold, and the atmosphere a fearful one. 'Dad??' I'm home' I called expectantly up the stairs, awaiting his response.
Dad?..' I called out again, a little concerned but attempting to brush off the feeling. *He must be asleep or something* I thought to myself as I placed my leather bag cautiously down on the countertop.

A peculiar scent was amidst the air.. it couldn't be? * Don't be silly* I laughed to myself. It was not a laugh of joy but rather an attempt to comfort my rigid nerves. A futile one.
I raced up the stairs as fast as my legs could carry me, sweat beading on my forehead. I finally reached it, My fathers bedroom door. I thrust open the door with an all mighty force.

Nothing could've drowned out my screams that night, or my panicked tears over the phone to emergency services. When I opened that door that night I could've never predicted what I'd witness, how it would haunt my dreams for nights on end.

The sight I had witnessed was one of my father, strewn in a position of fear on the bedsheets. Bullet holes spewing blood covering his entire body, turning the pearly sheets a haunting rouge.

The details of the traumatic scene are still vivid in my memory. For example how the moonlight shone through the gap in the ash-coloured curtains, illuminating his corpse or how his face was contorted into a perminant emotion of terror.

Rage had filled my heart, thinking of how he must of suffered before his demise. How the only thing he felt was pure panic.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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