She was a Shipgirl, which is essentially the manifestation of a warship in a human body

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She was a Shipgirl, which is essentially the manifestation of a warship in a human body.

She had an inbuilt radar system, which allowed her to sense things far beyond her field of vision.

Giant mechanical arms housed large gun turrets with barrels the size of an eyeball.

Her rigging, as it was known,

With rigging a Shipgirl could float across the water's surface, much like an actual ship.

Her name, was none other than that of Bismarck, named after the chancellor of Prussia, Otto Von Bismarck.

And she was the leader of the formidable fleets of the Iron Blood,

"The Royal Navy would certainly be coming." She thought to herself.

After what she did to Hood, sinking her in front of her own comrades

They would certainly be coming back for revenge, it was a matter of time,

Just she didn't know precisely when,

In her quest to benefit the Iron Blood, she'd attempted to harness the raw energy of siren technology to use against Azur Lane,

She'd managed to kill Hood using it, now she had to play the difficult game of waiting until the bulk of the Royal Navy was upon her.

She had this other feeling hacking at the back of her mind however,

Like something was off...

She convinced herself that it was probably the feeling of waiting getting to her, but that didn't make the feeling go away.

A Pale skinned figure approached her from behind,

Bismarck's eyes shrunk to needles, the annoyance in her expression growing.

"What do you want Siren..." she hissed

"What do I want?~" The siren responded.

"Why~ I'm just looking after your well being, is everything alright?" The Siren said.

The Sirens normally don't care about the well beings of others.

Bismarck grunted.

"I'm fine....." Bismarck said, barely bothering to glance.

"Hm? Oh, well it says here that your wisdom cube is acting up so-" the Siren started.


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