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It's all too much for me. I have to process this first" she answered, wiping away her tears. "I told you," he said. The girl nodded. She never thought it was that bad. She would probably never be able to fully process this information.


The girl had to wait another whole week, but tonight was finally poker night. 

Because of her father's allegations, she had another reason to see Jay. She kept looking around for him and didn't even listen to the conversations. When she finally spotted him, she realized once again how incredibly handsome he was. But that wasn't the main reason why she absolutely had to be alone with him today. She didn't believe that Jay's family could have anything to do with her mother's death, but somehow they had a motive... If they had anything to do with it, it would definitely not be Jay's fault. 

She now had eye contact with Jay. "Dad, I'm going to get some fresh air." She went outside and realized with satisfaction that Jay understood what she wanted, since he followed her. Shortly afterwards, she felt his arms wrap around her stomach from behind. Jay took an extra deep breath and kissed her on his shoulder "I missed you" he whispered. The girl turned and pushed him away slightly as he was about to kiss her "I have something to talk to you about" she said then. "Can't it wait? I've had to endure two weeks without you" he whined. "Jay it's serious" she said with a serious expression. He sighed and nodded. 

"What do you know about my mother's death?" Jay seemed very puzzled by the question "your Mother...? Why?"
"Just answer me please". Jay briefly considered "I know that she died about 9 years ago. In an accident". The girl leaned against the wall "it wasn't an accident". Jay raised his head in confusion. The girl continued. "The brakes were found to have been sabotaged. My father suspects your family," she said. Jay's expression darkened "you don't believe that, do you?".
The girl looked at him uncertainly "I don't think you have anything to do with this but... Who else would have a motive? I don't mean that badly Jay I... I just don't know what to think" she said cautiously . Jay just looked at her "you think my family would do something like that? I just don't believe it." 

He took a few steps backwards and shook his head in disappointment.
"What am I supposed to think Jay?" she asked desperately. "You're doing it again. You're blaming us. For things we would never do. Don't think you can talk to me again. This is going too far." With these words he disappeared into the darkness. 

The girl felt sadness tighten in her throat. She sank to the floor and tried to breathe calmly. The tears flooded her eyes. Could she trust Jay? She didn't want him to hate her again. She suddenly felt so guilty. Now she had ruined everything.

"Hey, what's up sweetheart?"
When Y/n recognized Mary's voice, she was relieved. She didn't want to be alone now. But what should she tell her? She couldn't tell her friend about her making out with her enemy. 

Mary sat down next to the girl and hugged her. Y/n tried to calm down but Mary's hug didn't have the same quick calming effect as Jay's arms. "I found out from my father a week ago that my mother didn't die from an accident. The car's brakes were manipulated," Y/n sobbed. "What?" asked Mary in horror. "Do you know who it was?" 

Y/n sat up and wiped her last tears from her face. She shook her head "my father thinks it was the Parks". "Do you have evidence?" asked Mary and Y/n shook her head again. "Poor you," Mary said, wrapping her arm around the other girl again. "I don't think it was them," Y/n said after a while. "They wouldn't kill," she thought aloud. "You don't know for sure," feared Mary.

The girl had calmed down a bit and looked like she could socialize again. Mary accompanied her to her father and Y/n introduced Mary. "You are the daughter of Choi?" asked the girl's father and Mary nodded with a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you," said Y/n's father. 

The two girls stayed there for a while, chatting with other guests. Mary stayed with Y/n and her father the whole time. "I need to go to the restroom," Mary informed and Y/n nodded. 

Her gaze wandered to Jay. She hoped so much that he would look at her but he didn't. He was smiling and talking to a girl who was seeing Y/n for the first time. She was really pretty. The girl felt a sharp pain. Was she that easy for him to replace? He probably just lied to her. He just wanted to have fun. Why did she let herself be seduced by him like that?


A bang. Screams. 

Y/n looked around, startled. Did someone shoot? But who was hit? People stared in her direction. But she was fine. She noticed that people were looking behind her. She turned around slowly. She didn't want her fear to be true. 

"NO!" she screamed when she saw her father lying on the floor. Too much blood. She stared at the bullet wound. She fell on her knees next to him. She took his hand. "Dad, please," she said, her voice shaking but she couldn't cry. She had to be strong. If she gave him her strength, maybe he could make it. 

"Y/n my princess" he said. His voice was weak. "Please listen to me," he said strainedly. The girl nodded. Tears blurred her vision. "Princess, promise me you'll stay strong. Find your parents' killer," he breathed. "No you're not dying" she sobbed. "I've lost too much blood princess. I'm not scared of dying. I'm going to see mom now. I prepared you for everything. You're going to destroy them all, okay? Promise me" The girl nodded "I promise". "You are a fighter," he said. He spoke very slowly. The girl knew he was going to die. "I love you dad" she said softly. He smiled but couldn't find the strength to answer his daughter. 

The girl was crying now. She released the tears now. She closed her father's eyes with trembling hands. She had just lost everything. All she had left. Now she was alone. She was completely alone in this huge world.

She didn't see what was happening around her. 

She stared at her father's dead body. Her hero's dead body.

She didn't know how many minutes she had sat like that. Maybe it was almost an hour. Two arms wrapped around her and pulled her to a standing position. Her knees were shaking. Her body didn't listen to her. She didn't even know what her brain was telling her body. She was in a trance. She didn't think, she didn't see, she didn't hear, she didn't speak. She was only here with her body. Her soul had probably died with her father. 

But she knew she couldn't give up now. She had to be strong for her parents. Now more than ever. 

"Leave her alone. Can't you see that she is not well? She is unable to answer any questions." This was the first sentence that softly penetrated her hearing again. But that sentence never made it into her head. 

"I'll take her home". That sentence never got through to her mind either.

𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 | JayWhere stories live. Discover now