Office enemies to lovers gojo x reader

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♥ The story that started it all... unfortunately. This is horrid. I'm so embarrassed to say I wrote this because wtf. The title itself is all you need to know.

♥ In my defense, I wrote this at 4 am, in my notes app on my phone, in AN HOUR, two years ago.

♥ However, it's quite funny and somehow my most read on AO3. Hope it makes you laugh and cringe as much as it does me!

♥ Trigger warning it's first person POV but thankfully it's a short read

♥ Gojo x Reader; office. That's it.

♥ CW: Sexual content, semi-public, nothing crazy though

♥ If you want to get past the cringe then I suggest to skip to 'At Long Lust'

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"Agh Gojo you fucking idiot!" I spewed at him. We're the last two people working overtime at the office on an important case for a big client, and he decides to be funny and 'accidentally' spill his drink all over me. He always does this. He's been playing tricks on me since the day I started working here.

"Oh y/n, I know I make you wet, but this is just embarrassing for you." he replied with a smirk on his stupid face.

"The only effect you have on my body is my puke reflex, shit-for-brains.", I said with a scowl while trying to wipe myself off. My white button down blouse and skirt were both soaked. I can see him looking at me from the corner of my eye, however instead of his usual cocky grin, I could tell that the sight of the tight fabric outlining the silhouette of my body was making him flustered, the wet fabric clinging to my skin.

"Oh? No comeback Satoru? What happened, demon dog got your tongue?"

I could clearly visualize the gears turning in his pea-sized brain as he tried to figure out something clever to throw back at me. Oh how I enjoyed toying with him. As much as he brought out a visceral anger within me, the competition and rival-like banter between us definitely kept work interesting.

"Hey now if I wanted my own come back I'd just wipe it off your chin."

That was the last straw. He thinks he can just say this shit to me? I don't think so. I had enough, so I stormed off into my office to calm down and change into dry clothes. As I was unbuttoning my shirt I heard the door open.

"Y/n I-I'm sorry I-" he started stuttering.

"T-t-t-t-today junior, spit it out already" I turn around just to mess with him, my shirt undone and my bra fully exposed. I could see him shifting his weight around uncomfortably, his cheeks a bright red.

"What's that? Who's embarrassed now smartass..." I say casually as I keep dabbing my clothes to get dry. He starts walking over to me, paper towels in hand.

"I'm... sorry y/n. I took it too far." Wow. An actual apology from the bozo himself. My expression softened at the sight of him, as he looked like a sad little puppy, instead of the usual menace to society he is. If I didn't despise him so much I'd say he actually looked cute.

"Can I-?" Avoiding my gaze he gestures at my skirt as if to ask if he can help remedy the damage. I nod in acquiescence. I lean back onto my desk and he starts gently patting at the damp areas on my thighs, careful as not to overstep.

"Is this your first time touching a woman?" I ask and he just lets out air through his nose and sighs. I look down and this is the first time I've ever noticed his hands. Big hands with long slender fingers, you can tell he really takes care of them. Now that I think of it, he always looks put together. He's standing so close to me I think I'm actually getting a bit nervous. I can smell his cologne from this distance, a subtle yet clean fragrance, very fitting for him.

Dreams, Fairytales, FantasiesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz