Chapter Six: Who are These People? - Part 2

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"How is your first day going Professeur Chevalier?" Athalya Simonè asked the recent addition to the staff. She had been in the class next door and decided to greet and check on him on the way to the staffs tearoom. "So far so good, I'd say. It's also a good way for me to check on my godson, speaking of do you take madam Mendeleievs class for anything?" he asked.

"Oh, yes I do see them for English, I see most classes for English," she answered, "I'm assuming your godson is Leon-Cœur Richard," she added. He nodded in response, "That's him," he said. "He seems to be a good kid, he has already become friends with two other kids, and he is exceptional at English. Is he from Britain? I don't mean to pry, but I'm curious," she asked hesitantly.

He smiled at her reassuringly, "It's quite alright, and yes he is. My friend lived there," he said a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I am deeply sorry," she said noticing the look in his eyes, he gave a curt nod and smiled again, "Thank you, but nothing comes from dwelling on the past, all I can do is move forward," he states.

She gives him a small smile and nods, "A wise notion, but properly accepting loss is important too... Ah, I'm sorry we just met so I have no right to say," Athalya says and shakes her head furiously while internally scolding herself for being too familiar. There's just something about his presence that made me feel like we've been friends for the longest time, she thought.

He suddenly placed his hand on hers making her freeze on the spot and a slight blush rise to her cheeks, "Pardon me madam Simonè, but it is quite alright. It is comforting to have someone being friendly and kind on your first day. So I don't mind and I thank you for being informal with me," he said. She shyly nodded, "I-its my pleasure, uhm Professeur Chevalier," she said, and he gave her a closed eye smile as he released her hands. "Please youre welcome to call me Staraí," he said, "Ah, then please call me Athalya. And its a pleasure once more to meet you Staraí," she said and extended her hand.

"The pleasures mine," he said and shook her hand before they continued to the staff's tearoom talking about their interest in history and Athalya attentively listened to his archaeological adventures. "Oh, Athalya, I don't want to be rude, but you're quite young so is this your first job?" he asked, she nodded, "Yes, my friend Caline and I graduated last year. She is older than me tho, so I'm the youngest teacher in the school. Ah, we're here don't be surprised by anything they say about me," she said with a smile before entering.

"Ah welcome Professeur Chevalier, I'm Blaise Non-Raffiné. I do apologise if madam Simonè had troubled you," monsieur Non-Raffiné said as soon as Staraí entered behind Athalya. "Monsieur Non-Raffiné, why do you have to be such a rude, pompous..." Caline started but was cut off by Athalya and Florence covering her mouth with their hands. "Ahem, staff," principal Damocles said gaining everyones attention and preventing the fight.

"Jean-Pierre, Armand come sit join us, we actually wanted to discuss our content-based projects with you both," Florence said to her friends after Staraí's introduction and while he was greeting a few other teachers. "Of course," the two male teachers respond and joined Florence, "Oh sorry, you dont mind right, Violette?" Florence asked madam Mendeleiev. "Not at all, we should be able to cover the plans fairly quickly if they join," she responded.

"You're just happy to have more friends Vi," Caline stated with a smile while Violette tried to hide her flustered face by turning away. "Cal, stop teasing, anyway I'm just glad you all decided to join us," Athalya said placing her hand on Violette's shoulder, and gave Armand and Jean-Piere a bright smile. With their personalities and the care that they had for their students, they were fast friends.

Staraí had finished greeting everyone a short while later and was walking back to Athalya, who was speaking with the other teachers. However, he was intercepted by Blaise, "Professeur Chevalier, would you like to join us?" he asked and gestured to some of the more experienced teachers which had also included madam Mendeleiev. "Maybe another time monsieur," he states with a thin smile before joining Athalya and her friends, much to Blaise's disappointment.

Miraculous Turn of Events Re-write
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