8: The currents will shift, glide me towards you

Start from the beginning

"Oh please. I'm barely even scary" I shot him a joking glare, then proceeded to haul the surfing junk from the back seat.

"You know... This board looks a bit big. I thought beginners were supposed to have smaller boards. I might accidentally smash my head on those rocks over there." The board swung around and hit Eddie where it hurts most as I pointed to large rocks sticking out of the water.

He fainted dramatically, grabbed his... Y'know, and started squirming around on the floor like a little child.

"Fuckkk! My precious jewels!" He was in between laughing, and crying from the pain.

"Oops... I told you it was too big!" I giggled and yanked him up.

"Okay. We are definitely swapping" He took the board from my grasp and gestured to his board lying in my back seat, "It's okay. I trust you will keep her safe, and to keep my precious jewels safe aswell."

"Mmm, fancy. Did you steal it?" I joked.

He furrowed his brows and shook his head, "No, one of my friends back in San Diego bought it for my birthday"

"Great. I'll try not to hit your ballsack with this one" I snickered and carefully pulled the board out from my backseat.

He jokingly hit my shoulder and whispered, "You better not"

I flicked his cheek and gestured to the shoreline, "Race ya?"

He glanced to me, then abruptly started running to the water. He looked really stupid running with a board over his head, but I wasn't going to let that distract me from destroying him.

I tucked the board comfortably under my armpit and took off.

"I'm coming for you bastard!"

I wasn't used to running on barefoot on sand, it was very uneven and rocky compared to what I used to race on.

I made it to the shoreline, sadly Eddie had made it before me. Luckily, I had had some experience with this.

"Hah seems you aren't as fast as you thought you were Annahlise. Such a shame, thinking that this was YOUR thing. I think you have to take up a different path honey" Steph crouched down to me.

She was your classic high school bully. I always thought the movies were exaggerating, but they obviously weren't, because there was one standing right in front of me.

I had just lost a race to her, but only because that stupid fuck tripped me right at the end.

"Fuck off Steph. Go harass someone else" I huffed.

Sport was my go to. It helped me release my anger, but I think this had to be taken out on her.

"Whatever. See you later clumsy" She flipped her hair back and started walking off.

I aggressively crawled to her and grabbed her ankles.

"Don't fuck with me" I pulled her ankles towards me, causing her to fall face first and break her perfect little nose.

I obviously wasn't going to break Eddie's nose, but I was going to do something a little less harmless.

"No one beats me and gets away with it!" I ran behind him and playfully tackled him into the sand.

He grabbed my arms, which were currently wrapped around his waist, and pulled them off as he manoeuvred around to face me.

"Hah! You have sand all over your face" I flicked a speck of sand from his nose and he chucked.

"I wonder... Why would that be? Anyway, before people think we are about to do some weird shit, we should probably get up"

He was right though. My arms were around his waist, he was shirtless and we were a little too close for comfort.

"Good idea! Let's go get concussions!" I awkwardly stood up and grabbed Eddie's board.

Eddie dusted the sand off his face and body, and started walking to the water.

"Usually you start on land, but that part is really boring, and I heard you like being risky. We'll see if you can balance in the water"

"Fine by me!" I set Eddie's board above the water and tried to pull myself up.

He was already sitting on his board, watching me struggle and swinging his legs around.

"I'm just saying, I'm not the greatest swimmer!" I yelled, trying not to go underwater.

He smirked, "So if I see you waving, should I save you? Or just wave back?"

"Here, get on my board and I'll help you onto yours" He scooted back and held out his hand for me.

I smirked and yanked him off his board.

"Oops! My bad honey"

She was my girl [jerry cantrell x fem oc]Where stories live. Discover now