You're More than Just Your Gift

Start from the beginning

"You never hurt our family, Miguel. We are broken..."


"...because of me."

Ashamed, she stopped speaking. This new human side of Alma was one that he had only seen the night the candle had begun to go out.

Behind her, a butterfly flew past and to a reed in the water, Miguel's eyes following it. He realized that this was the same butterfly from Bruno's vision.

"Abuela," he said. Alma looked up and found him in front of her. "I can finally see." He reached out for her hands, which she gave him, her wedding ring from Pedro still there.

He led her into the water to the butterfly, which reached up to their waist, darkening their skirt and pants.

"You lost your home...lost suffered so much...all it would never happen again. We were saved because of you. We were given a miracle because of you. We are a family because of you. And nothing could ever be broken that we can't fix...together."

Through her tears, Alma smiled at Miguel, fifty years of grief being lifted off her shoulders as she looked at her miracle. "I asked my Pedro for help. Miguel..." She cupped his cheeks as tears ran down them, seeing him finally. "He sent me you."

She embraced her grandson as the sun illuminated the river.

Ay, mariposa
No se aguanten más
Hay que crecer aparte y volver
Hacia adelante seguirás

Thousands of butterflies swarmed around them, flying back to the Encanto. Miguel and Alma watched them go, their arms still around each other.

Vienen milagros,
Vienen crisálidas
Hay quе partir y construir
Su propio futuro

As they got back to the riverbank, a guy on a horse ran up to them awkwardly, yelling out, "He didn't do this! He didn't do this! I gave him the vision! It was me!"

Fixing himself, Bruno jumped off, rapidly talking to her the blame off Miguel and onto him, but Alma was too preoccupied with her son still being there. "I was like, 'Go!' And he was like 'Ftttt!' " Bruno took another few steps to his mother. "He only wanted to help! I don't care what you think of me, but if you're too stubborn to - to -"

He stopped, hand in the air for emphasis, as Alma pulled him into a tight hug and gave him a kiss, whispering, "Brunito..." [Burrito]

Eyes shifting around, he confusedly said, "I feel like I've missed something...important..."

Miguel walked past and got on the horse. "Come on." He helped Alma on, then she helped Bruno.

"Where are we going?" Bruno asked.

Eyes focused ahead, he declared, "Home." He snapped the reigns and the horse galloped off, Bruno nearly falling off.


The horse ran past the village kids, who watched excitedly.

"He's back, I found him!" Juancho cried.

"I found him!" Alejandra corrected.

Loudly tapping on Juancho's coffee cup, Cecilia cried, "He's back, he's back, he's back!"


Once Miguel reached the damaged house, Julieta came flying out. "Miguel?!" Once she reached him, she pulled him into a tight hug. "Miguel!"

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