We Don't Talk About Bruno

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Y/n crept around Casita's corners, trying to steer clear of Alma, but had no idea where she was. Turning a corner, she whispered into the air, "Dolores, bestie, squeak if she's coming."

Hearing nothing, she continued on. But on her next turn, she bumped into a handsome teenage boy. Startled, he shifted into Miguel, then back into Camilo. "Ay! Jeez, N/n, what are you doing, spying on people?"

"Sorry, Milo! I didn't mean to...you know..." Standing straight, she brushed off her dress. A moment of awkwardness passed. "Camilo..."

"I'm breaking up with you," he cut off quickly, brushing his curls out of his eyes.

Dumbly, Y/n blinked. "Huh?"

"It's over. Kaputz. Now you cry, I awkwardly try to comfort you, we part as unlikely friends." Despite his words, his eyes darted around, as he still was not sure if what to say.

"Camilo, I..." But instead of playing out his scenario, she stepped forward and hugged him. He jumped back a little, half expecting her to beg him not to leave her. "Thank you," she whispered.

Suddenly offended, he yelled at her, "Hey!"

Y/n laughed as she pulled away. "No, no, it's not that. It's just...I don't love you," she shrugged. "I don't want to marry you, anyway. You really are an amazing friend and I'm sure in any other story, I'd be head over heels for you. But...this is the story where I can only ever see you as a brother at most and an annoyance overall."

He pouted at the last bit, sticking out his upper lip, before giving her a small smile. "I get what you mean. You're awesome, N/n. So pretty and smart. But..." His smile quickly fell and his demeanor shifted as cloudy as Pepa could make a day. "I - I don't even know if I like girls. Or guys or..." His voice broke off, which Y/n tried to ignore, but could not ignore the tears that were forming on his eyes, scaring her a little. He was always the happy mascot of the family, so to see him like this...

"Abuela would never forgive me if I suddenly want to be with a guy and I already don't know what she's gonna say about me not wanting to marry you and I'm trying really hard to stay happy for everyone else and I don't know what else to do and why am I telling you this -"

"Milo, hey." Y/n pulled him into another hug, this time feeling his arms slowly wrap themselves around her. "It'll be alright. You still have plenty of time to figure out what you want in somebody."

A few more moments and he pulled away, forcing a smirk. "Well, I sure as heck know it ain't you."

Growling, Y/n banged her head against the wall. "Why am I nice to you?!"

"Because ya love me. But not as much as you love somebody else ~"

"Shhh!" She pressed her finger to his lips. "Dolores might hear you!"

"Y/n, she knows. Everyone knows. You'd have to be blind or stupid not to know that you're in love with Migito." He shifted back into Miguel, making kissy faces at her.

"CAMILO!" she desperately begged. "What if he hears you?!"

He changed back again and rolled his eyes. "He probably knows, too. But it's okay, I'm pretty sure he loves you back."

Before she could respond, a small squeak could be heard in the distance. "Gah! I was never here!" she said quickly, diving into some random person's bedroom.

"Wha...okay -" Shrugging, he walked off as Alma walked through with Isabela, both chirping happily about the wedding.

"Such a perfect match," Alma was saying.

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