18. Man-stealing hands

Start from the beginning

"So how are you doing, babes?" Lottie asks as she lays out on the lounger next to Maddi.

Maddi reaches her arms above her head and stretches before falling onto her back on the lounger. "Honestly, I'm okay."

Lottie gives her a pointed look from under her sunglasses, "Liar."

Maddi giggles, "No, I'll be fine. It hurts, obviously... and I wish it was me who left last night, not Hannah. But—"

"Stop," Lottie cuts her off, "Don't say things like that. I'm gutted Hannah left, but this Villa wouldn't be the same without you in it."

"Aw!" Maddi coos, "Same for you, babes."

"So what are you going to do about Noah?"

Maddi turns to give Lottie a confused face, "Nothing. He's with Hope."

Lottie gives Maddi an annoyed face in response, "Please, he wants to be with you."

"Maybe he did, before I chose Bobby over him. But he's done with me now, and I need to be done with him too. He deserves someone who can give him what he needs. I can't do that. I'm too messed up."

Before Lottie can argue any more, the rest of the girls show up to the sun-bathing party.

"Wow, it feels great out here!" Priya says as she squeezes in on Maddi's lounger.

"Right?" Maddi laughs as she makes room for Priya.

Hope and Marisol sit on the end of Lottie's lounger, and the five girls chat for a bit as the boys practice their cannonballs next to them.

"So," Hope starts, "Noah and I had an amazing brunch! How about you ladies?" She looks pointedly at Maddi.

She smiles, "Ibrahim and I had a nice time. The French toast was great!"

"It was ace!" Lottie cheers, "Rocco had some interesting stories. I'm not sure I believe them all, but they're fun all the same."

"Rocco has his own interpretation of honesty," Marisol says.

"That's fair," Hope says before she turns to Priya, "How was your brunch?"

Priya looks hesitantly at Maddi before answering, "We had a great time... Bobby's such a laugh."

Maddi does her best to smile for her friend. She's happy for her. Even if she is a little jealous.

"It was like the old days, that I missed so much. It feels good to have him back in my life," Priya says.

Hope smiles widely, "I'm so happy for you, babes."

Marisol sighs, "I don't know where I am with Gary. The brunch was okay, but I don't have strong feelings for him... That spark just isn't there." She looks to Maddi, "And you told me how important it is. I'm inclined to agree."

"Yeah," Lottie adds, "dead on. That spark is fate letting you know it's knocking. When you feel it, you know you've found the one."

Marisol looks quizzically at Lottie, "Do you feel it with Rocco?"

"I'd say there's definitely something between us," Lottie grins. "He's so open and receptive. I'm sure he feels the same."

Beep beep

"Oh!" Marisol grabs her phone, "I've got a text."

"Boys!" Hope shouts annoyingly, "We have a text!"

The boys climb out of the pool and Maddi has to refrain from drooling over Noah's body as the water trickles down his abs. He catches her staring and sends her a wink that makes her face turn three shades red.

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