"Come on little one, lets get you home. We wouldn't want this ice cream to melt now do we?"

Stunned into silence we walk the rest of the way to my apartment without words.

Unlocking the door with shaky hands I sigh, waiting for him to comment on my shitty home. His eyes trace every little thing that's visible. No dishes in my sink and my living room stays tidy. I hate mess and I absolutely hate not being organized. Walking over to place the bags on my small counter he turns looking at me. His back is against the counter and his hands beside him, gripping the edges tightly.

"So little one, this is home for you." It wasn't a question but I took it as one. I can't see judgement in his eyes but that doesn't stop me from feeling it.
"I guess you can call it that. It was the first thing that stood out from the rest." He gives me a look, knowing it's because it was the cheapest. I mean I sleep and sometimes eat I don't need much.

Putting the food away I feel his eyes on me. Watching me place the cucumbers and apples in the fridge. I know he can see how empty it is. Yet he doesn't say a word, if anything he just growls.

"Come little one let's sit down and talk." I cautiously fallow behind him. He sits on the small couch, his huge frame taking up most of it. He pats the spot next to him and I stiffly sit down. He opens his legs more, stretching out, like he owns the place. He makes it look so easy to get comfortable.

"Tell me little one, why did you move here?" Somehow my body becomes even more stiff. I look at him with my mouth opening and closing, lost for words. How the hell do people come up with a lie so quickly?

"Was it for a good job? I mean there has to be a reason why you up and left ." The fact that he is asking me doesn't bother me per se but that he knows I left from somewhere.

"I uh just needed a change of life ya know?" He nods his head but his eyes turn hard. He knows I'm lying. I was never good at it to be honest. His arm on the back of the couch drops slightly and his fingers caress my shoulder.

"Now little one I know you're not lying to me are you?" I swallow embarrassingly loud. I shake my head hoping he would just drop it.

"I really did need to change up my life.. ya know it just got to predictable. So here I am." I shrug my shoulders. I mean it's not a lie technically. He shakes his head in what I can only guess is disappointment. The hurt that came after that look shocked me. I've never really felt the need to make someone proud or at least happy with me.. until this moment.

"So where's Maverick today, doing a check-in alone?" He smirks at my brat personality trying to break through. I keep myself hidden for reasons. The last thing I need is for him to think I'm a child or ungrateful.

"Maverick is busy today but thought it would be good for one of us to come along." I nod in understanding still unsure why he's even here. They don't know me and they shouldn't want to.
He shifts on the couch before standing up with his hand extended for me to grab. Hesitantly I put my hand in his and my body comes alive. The heat radiating through me is for foreign. Bringing me into a hug I feel his breath against my neck. His arms tighten around my waist, finger tips digging into my sides like he needs grounding.

"Callum.." my chest rises and falls faster in his hold. My legs are weak, he hasn't even did anything but give me a hug and I feel like a horny teenager. He mutters something against the skin of my neck and sends shivers down my body. My legs close on their own, my head lays back slowly giving him more access. His rough growl has a small low moan breaking through my lips.

"Do you realize what you do to us little one? The scent you wear, the curvy of your body, the softness of your skin. It's addicting." I gasp with his hand reaching into my hair, pulling my head back more. Looking into his eyes I can see the desire..his lovely blues are fighting to change color, like there's a war in his head. His lips lightly graze over mine before laying a kiss on my cheek.

"Get some rest little one, I need to get going before I do something you're not ready for." Before I can respond the door is closed and my body feels so heavy, coming down from a high so intense all over a hug. An intimate hug but still... a freaking hug.

Hello lovelies I hope you're enjoying the story so far. My original thought was a short story but as usual more ideas came to me so now I'm not so sure haha. Aurelia is a very different character I wanted to try out. She's soft, sensitive but a hidden brat . She starts to open up and becomes her true self later on. Her character may annoy some but it's my story sooo... anyway remember this is a RH story therefore there is more then two people in the relationship. Please remember the TW at the beginning of the story. I won't put TW at each chapter so please be advised from chapter one! Thank you :)

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