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Josh's POV

I found my way into the living room with the sun still low. The house was nearly silent except for the low hum of the tv.

The only ones in the living room were Danny and Ruth. Danny and Ruth's eyes were both closed. I gently found a spot beside Ruth on the couch.

Her eyes opened slowly, her face turned into a smile.

"...hello." She said quietly.

"Hi." I whispered. I scooted closer to her on the couch. Her eyes looked heavy as she watched me. She looked over to the sleeping Danny.

"He's adorable, isn't he?" She whispered looking at the sleeping Daniel.

"He is." I smiled looking at him. "Is this what you two do in the morning?"

"Yeah, we find a show and take a little nap." She smiled.

"Why not just stay in your bed?" I asked.

"I can't fall back asleep in there. Plus Ronnie snores." She laughed quietly.

"You do too, you both snore." I said.

"I talk too." She said. I was a bit caught of guard by that. That would be nice to get used to.

"What are you watching?" I asked looking at the tv.

"Some type of renovation show." She shrugged. We watched the show for a few moments when she started moving. She was turning towards me, before I realized what she was doing her legs were draped across mine.

She smiled innocently as she tried to move her blanket over her legs. "Would you help me?"

I looked at her blankly for a moment when I finally pulled the blanket over her feet. She smiled and got comfortable under the blanket. Her legs laid over my thighs comfortably. I rested my arm over her legs as we watched the show.

It wasn't long before she was asleep. Her breathe steady as her chest moved slowly. I looked at her for a moment admiring her, she was beautiful.

I knew I would be stuck here, so I figured I would do the same as Danny and Ruth. I adjust lightly under Ruth and laid my head against the couch. It didn't take long before my eyelids became heavy.

"...josh...josh." Someone lightly shook my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Jake standing behind me. "It's time for breakfast."

I looked to the clock on the wall surprised at the time. I looked back to Ruth who was still asleep. I realized everyone else had walked around us as we slept. Even Danny had woke up.

"Ruth." I said shaking her leg. Her eyes fluttered open as I shook her leg. "It's time for breakfast."

We were taking trips loading everything into the car.

"Hey, Josh." My dad called as I started to walk away. I turned to look at him confused.


"Can I ask you something?" He asked. I nodded my head yes. "You and Ruth...are you know?"

I started to smile embarrassed. I figured they'd figure it out, I just didn't think he'd ask. "Yeah, well, I mean I haven't asked her yet, but I'd say yes."

"I wondered when you'd finally make a move." My dad laughed. My jaw dropped slightly at his words. Was it that obvious?

"She's a good girl, I'm happy for you." My dad said.

"Thanks." I smiled. I found my way back inside to finish loading our bags in the car.

Ruth and I didn't have too many moments on the ride home. There wasn't any good times for a conversation in a cramped car. There was occasional glances at each other.

Jake took any moment he could to tease me. I kind of liked it. It felt nice to not be scared about her hearing it. I know, it's only been a day. That didn't mean I couldn't love it already.

I was sad to see her walk away from the car. She waved goodbye before she made it into her house with her bags. I wondered if she was going to tell her parents.

It did not take long for my family to start up.

"So." My mom said as we pulled away from her house. "Why did it take you so long?"

"For what?" I asked confused.

"Ruth, you idiot." Ronnie said. I felt much more embarrassed now than I did with my dad.

"Look, he's blushing." Jake teased.

"Shutup." I said looking to him. I was smiling despite how I was feeling.

"They've already kissed." Sammy shouted out.

"Sam!" I said quickly. I didn't want them to know that already.

"Already? Wow." My mom said. "When did you finally decide to tell her?"

"Yesterday." I said. I wasn't usually quick to blush, but this had my face feeling like fire.

"That's why he wouldn't stop staring at her." My dad said to my mom.

"He stared at her the whole time." Ronnie added.

I buried my face in my hand wanting this to end. It was still a few minutes until we got to my house.

"Ruth is an amazing girl. You better not do anything stupid." My mom said looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"I won't." I said. She nodded with approval and that was the last of it. I was thankful for that.

She stayed in my mind the rest of the night. I was still surprised she liked me. I always wanted her to, but I was never sure.

When I was talking to her, I realized I probably needed to ask her to be my girlfriend. It's not like middle school, you actually have to ask them to be yours.

It could wait until I saw her next, I'd rather not do it over the phone. I think she'd prefer it that way too.

I knew she was nervous about what my parents would think about us. I don't know why, my parents loved her. I think they loved her more than me.

I fell asleep excited for when we hung out next. I wanted to learn everything about her. I only knew a small bit. I wanted to absorb everything there was to learn about her.

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