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Ruth's POV

I walked across the doorway towards the living room. I had done nothing all day, I needed to find something to do. I skimmed through the half-stocked bookshelf trying to find something.

My phone went off stealing my attention from the endless searching.

Hey, can you come over?

I smiled knowing I might actually have something to do now. I went to my mom to check that it was okay to go to the Kiszkas house. She didn't care, she loved the Kiszkas.

I'll be there in like 10 minutes


I drove through the streets of Frankenmuth squinting my eyes to see the road. The sun shined down on me, we were in late June, summer at its peek.

I finally arrived at the Kiszkas house and made my way to the door. I did a little curtesy knock, but it wouldn't be heard anyways. The Kiszka's were infamous for never hearing a knock on their door.

I opened the door to see Josh sprawled out on the couch. His face was turned in a crude way, I assumed he had been asleep before I showed up.

"Shut the door, Ruth." He groaned rolling over on his side.

"Hello to you too, Joshua." I said closing the door as requested. There was a small noise from him and nothing else. I smiled at our slight interaction and made my way into Ronnie's room.

"Why'd you want me over?" I asked after saying the initial hellos.

"Guess." She said excitedly.

"You have a ulcer?" It was the first thing to my mind. I don't really know why. Ronnie's face became a similar one to Josh's seconds ago.

"No." She said. "I'm just gonna say it, you're gonna go with us to the cabin!"

"What cabin?" I asked confused on when they got a cabin.

"The cabin we got to on 4th of July!" She said excited. "Mom and dad allowed me to bring one friend, so I chose you!"

"You're kidding?" I asked shocked.

"Why would I be joking? You have to go, please, it might finally let me have some sanity. The boys are bringing Danny."

I thought for a moment about the situation presented. A cabin, with all the Kiszkas. Specifically Josh Kiszka.

"What are you thinking about?" Ronnie asked as I had zoned out.

"Nothing." I said, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Please tell me you're not thinking about Josh." She groaned.

"Shh!" I said waving my arms violently. The last thing I needed was Josh hearing that.

"Don't act like you don't make it obvious." She said. She's known about my crush on her brother since 9th grade, it was embarrassing.

"I know, but I'd rather him or your brothers not hear you say that." I begged. She always teased me infront of him. It made me want to choke her out to be completely honest.

"I won't say anything else." She said. "Anyways, the cabin. We're gonna be leaving like early July 2nd, and we'll come back late July 5th. We always go a few days before because of all the fireworks shows."

"That sounds cool, I think my parents will be alright with it. They've never had a problem before." I said. I found myself more excited as we talked.

"You'll need to bring bathing suits, we stay by this lake, and the boys always want to go swimming." She said. I felt nervous about that, a bathing suit infront of Josh?

"And just pack your basic necessities. Summer clothes of course. I'd recommend a hoodie or two, dad runs the house cold." She said. I nodded making sure to remember it all.

"So its..." I trailed off counting in my head. "...four days til we'll leave."

"Yup." She said. "You don't like have any plans right?"

"No, we're not 4th of July people." I said. "I can't wait, I love fireworks."

"You'll get sick of them by the end." She sighed. "At least you get Josh-time."

"Would you stop doing that!" I said harshly. A moderate harsh, I just really didn't want him to know.

"I wish you'd just get with him. I'm sick of you two." She said.

"I would love that, but no." I highly doubted he liked me, he probably cared for me, but not enough to date me.

"So you'll be gone for 3 days?" My mom asked as I stood infront of them. I had finally proposed the 4th of July plans.

"Yes, we'll leave early the 2nd, be back the 5th." I explained.

"And what's the boy situation?" My dad asked. That's the question I was dreading. He didn't like me being around all the guys too much.

"Well, it'll be at the Kiszkas, obviously, and they're bringing Danny Wagner." I said.

"How olds Danny?" My dad asked. I've talked about Danny before, I don't really understand his forgetfulness.

"Same as Sammy—15." I said.

"I just don't know about you being around Josh and Jake unsupervised." My dad droned.

"Dad, we'll have supervision, two parents. I'm there for Ronnie, not Josh and Jake." A slight lie, maybe.

He looked at me silently deciding if he wanted to let me have fun or not.

"Fine." He said sounding like he had just worked a 9-5. "You can go, but if either of them boys tries anything, they're dead."

"I promise dad, I won't be doing anything." I said. That was the truth, I wouldn't actually do anything with Josh.

"Just don't be dumb. Have all the fun you want, just no hospital bills, nothing permanent." My mom said.

"Well, thank you guys. I love you very much, and you won't regret being amazing parents." I tried to sound sweet, you know, before they changed their minds.

"You better get started on your laundry if you want some clothes." My mom said.

"You're right, I'm gonna go do that." I said turning away. I rushed off excited about what was ahead of me.


I get to go ronnie!!!

I can't wait
It's going to be amazing

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