Crazy Old Lady Pt. 2 • 006

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You have got to be kidding me.

I was now strapped to a chair and was being interrogated.

Not like it could even hold me.

Who knew that this old lady had a metal built prison underneath her shop. At this point nothing can suprise me.

Although, it did get me thinking, what if the person messing with me set this as a trap? What if me saying that sentence actually just changed the entire course of my plot? If I'm right, then this is bad, really bad.

"When did you find out you could bend all elements?" Toph began her interrogation, her arms crossed and legs planted steadily on the ground.

Here we go.

"Since I was a kid." I replied.

"Does anyone else know about this?"


Maybe, she'll let me off the hook if I answer everything truthfully.

"Have you ever entered the Avatar state?"

The what? This is weird.

"What even is that?"

"So you don't know about it. I guess it makes sense if you've been in hiding this whole time, no one was there to teach you.." She trailed off, clearly in deep thought with her hand rested on her chin.

She suddenly started speaking again.

"What elements do you have the most control over?"

I really hate this, how do I even answer this question? I'm a beginner at bending. Of course I won't be a pro like Korra. I can only do normal moves, not anything flashy and well structured like martial arts. I should have never said that sentence.

"Not sure." I answer truthfully.

Hopefully this gets me off the hook.

"You seem nervous." Toph implies.

Oh really? I wonder why.

"I'm strapped to a chair underneath a scroll shop." I reminded the older lady.

"You get used to it." She patted my shoulder, a futile attempt to comfort me.

This is so annoying, I'm not even an Avatar. I just happen to possess the ability to manipulate those four elements due to my psychic abilities.

"I've got my hands full now. This must be fate, me discovering the second Avatar."

It went quiet for a bit and I felt quite uncomfortable.

"Could you unstrap me?"


"Oh right forgot about that, had to add the dramatic effect." She suddenly chuckled, metal-bending the straps off of my wrists with ease.

She's insane.

"We have a lot of work to do bubble-gum boy." She repeatedly hit my back, why was she so strong?

"Korra can handle all the Avatar work, I stayed hidden for a reason."

"Korra can handle all the Avatar work, I stayed hidden for a reason," She mocked in a squeaky voice, "Oh shut up. Don't you know that with great power comes great responsibility? Even in your circumstances." She informed.

I don't care about that responsibility, I want to go home.

"You will learn to bend all four elements." She smirked, clearly determined to make me do it.

I should have just drowned.

"You'll be fine, you might just have to safe the world. No pressure."

You have got to be kidding me.


Why was training so unnecessarily hard?

I had to walk outside in the hot sun with no shoes on, which was apperantly the best way to earthbend and connect with the earth according to Toph.

I'm going to get blisters.

She said I wouldn't get any water unless I got at least one earth-bending move down and currently I had 0, the combat and bending life is not for me.

I was panting rapidly as I held my knees. "Do it again. Do I have to show you the move from scratch again?" Toph said sternly.

I glared at her.

I'll show this woman some of my moves real soon if she doesn't stop this.

Sorry, that slipped.

"From the beginning! Go go!"

My feet was planted in the earth, I followed the moves of Toph again, nearly raising a rock this time.

"Wow, I'm almost not disappointed." She said at my almost success.

My eye twitched at her remark.

I'm trying here. It was much harder to use these powers when martial arts was involved. The other benders do it so flawlessly, how annoying.

If I get it too fast, she'll get suspicious again.

So, I have to endure this.

"Grow some balls bubble-gum boy, you can't possibly be that weak." Toph continued to taunt, trying to get some reaction out of me.

She really was immature at times.

"I can't do it." I gave up.

"What was that?" She put her palm behind her ear,"You're a pussy? Thought so."

I glared at her.

"Bending isn't my thing."

"It's okay to be a weak coward Kusuo, you will probably end up growing old like me and dying from that illness you have without accomplishing a single thing." She crosses her arms as she hummed.

I won't fall for this.

"I'm not Avatar material." I reminded.

"Oh what? You think Korra is better than you? Yeah I can see why."

That's it.

My body moved on his own, the rock flying up before my eyes without even realizing and straight towards the older woman who counter-backed with ease.

"See? Knew you could do it." She smiled.

My eye twitched even more.

Did I just let this old woman get to me?

I'm better than this.

"Now, again." She crossed her hands behind her back, a smirk present on her lips.

Good grief.


This woman tortured me all day and night. My body was so sore now as I munched down on some bread.

Toph walked in and sat in front of me, "You wanna know what your problem is Kusuo?"

Why the hell am I getting lectured all of a sudden?

"You don't try your best in everything you do. I bet you've done that for years to the point it's an unconscious thing for you now."


"Your silence proved my point."

Someone get me out of here.

"Let's see," She said opening up the earth-bending scroll we used earlier, "You got down all the moves but you need to sharpen your movements."

Here we go again, lecture number 2.

Send help.


Water what? • Saiki k x LOK Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon