You're safe with me

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When she woke, a warm, hazy glow filled the room. The sun leaked in through a slit between the curtains. 

Caroline was rested. She twisted the ring on her finger. She didn't move at first. Everything was warm. 

Where was Klaus? She noticed that the door connecting his room and his studio was open. 

She sat up and rolled out of bed, taking the top blanket with her. The floor was chilly through the socks she wore. Caroline wrapped the blanket around her and tiptoed into the studio. 

Paintings were everywhere. She gawked at some of the huge ones hanging on the walls. 

Caroline blushed when she saw a sketch of her on a table. 

When she turned, a canvas sat on an easel. A beautiful oil painting of her

Her eyes widened. It was of her with her veins out. Yet, it didn't look monstrous or evil. 

It was elegant. 

"What do you think?" Caroline jumped a little. 

She turned and saw Klaus sitting on a couch in the corner of the room. 

His eyes were tired, he'd just woken as well. His hair was a disaster and he had sleep lines on his cheek. 

Caroline looked back at the painting. 

"It makes me think of myself differently." She said thoughtfully. 

"I hope in a better way."

"Yes." Caroline confirmed. She walked over to the couch and sat down beside him. 

He'd had his arm stretched out across the back of the couch, and looked surprised when she sat right under it, her feet tucked under his thigh.

"When I turned, Bonnie hated me. I'd been in the hospital, and I somehow compelled myself a discharge and then I killed a man at a festival."

"That's hardly your fault-" Klaus frowned. 

"I know, but Bonnie didn't see it that way. I'd killed someone, so I wasn't Caroline anymore. I was a danger and I needed to be put down before I hurt someone or hurt Elena. Damon tried to kill me, he said that it was pointless to give me a chance because I'd be dead in a week."

Klaus scowled. 

"But Stefan and Elena stopped him. I had to prove myself to Bonnie to get a daylight ring. I didn't get one until after a week or so. I had to prove that I could control myself and that I would only do the bunny diet. Bonnie said that if I hurt anyone, she would unspell my ring." 

"You were a newbie vampire, who if I'm correct- knew nothing about the supernatural before being turned."

Caroline nodded. 

"That's ridiculous. Every new vamp messes up."

Caroline snuggled closer to him. He moved his arm from the back of the couch to around her. 

"The point is, I've been so focused on staying in control. Trying to prove to everyone- Bonnie, my mom, that I'm still Caroline.  That I wouldn't hurt them. I've never seen myself like that."

Caroline gestured to the painting.

"I've never seen my vampirism as something to be proud of, yet I talk all the time about how I am better as a vampire. Which is true. I've just never..." Caroline trailed off still looking at the painting. 

Klaus waited patiently.

"The wolf you killed in your sacrifice, she kidnapped me once. She shot me in the head with a wooden bullet and locked me in a cage. Because I was a vampire. Tyler just watched. 

My dad locked me a vampire torture dungeon for 2 weeks when he found out. He thought that if I associated blood with pain, then I could be able to stop drinking it. Then Alaric..." 

Klaus ran a hand through her hair, pulling the curls out of her face and holding her closer to him. 

"You've been reborn. Maybe you aren't Caroline Forbes the sheriff's golden daughter and town prize anymore. 

Maybe that's okay. Maybe all you need to be is Caroline. You're not the same person you were before and that's alright. I'm not the same as I was when I was a child."

Caroline looked up at him. 

"What were you like before you turned?"

Klaus hummed thoughtfully. 

"Soft. I did not like war or conflict. I used to sneak away when we butchered our hens. I did not like it when Finn and my father went off to conquer nearby villages.  I used to mix flowers and berries to make pastes. I made Rebekah feel safe, I don't now. Not anymore."

"I think that if you can make me feel safe, then surely your sister feels safe with you as well." 

"You haven't been by my side for 1,000 years. You think that I am terrible, but if you even saw half of what I truly am- it would break you in two."

Caroline frowned and was quiet for a moment.

"Have you ever compelled a girl into sleeping with you? Forced yourself onto someone?" She asked hesitantly, not wanting to hear the answer.

Klaus made a face. 

"Absolutely not. That's disgusting." Caroline was relieved. 

"Then nothing else means much to me." 

"I have killed many. Many innocents."

"Perhaps, and that's not the best thing you've done, I admit." Klaus grinned.  

"But you haven't left someone with terrors of having no say with what happens to their body. That in itself puts you above many men that I've met." 

Caroline did not like to think about Damon, not really. 

In her eyes, he was the worst kind of person that one could be. 

Klaus' hand scrunched her curls. 

"I want to kill everyone who ever hurt you. No, I want to destroy them. Death would be too kind." 

"Sometimes, I think I could let you." 

Klaus stretched out more on the couch. 

"What made you come here?" He asked her. 

"I don't know." 

"You know that I adore you." 

"You make me feel so much."

"Good things?"

"Great things." 

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