Scourge of the Supernatural World

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"Klaus, I can't-They'd never forgive me. Ever. Elena would hate me. Actually, hate me." Caroline said rather regretfully, looking down. 

"You actually have someone in mind then? How utterly surprising. I never would have guessed that the lovely Caroline Forbes could choose to send one of her friends to their death." He grinned.

"He's not my friend-" Caroline snapped, momentarily forgetting herself.

"An ex-lover perhaps? Matt the human rat?" Klaus quipped.

"No. Not Matt and don't call him a rat!" Klaus chuckled.

"A current lover then? Would you part with your beloved Tyler?" Klaus asked, a hard undertone.


"Of course not!" Caroline was horrified, not with the fact that Klaus suggested Tyler, but the fact that she realized that she would be fine without Tyler. Klaus laughed a bit.

"My apologies, love. I can think of no other. I know you would not be willing to part with your witch. I cannot imagine hurting your darling Elena by telling me her brother. So that leaves a Salvatore."

Caroline ducked her head in shame.

Klaus placed a hand on her chin and tilted her head up.

"Which one?"

Caroline tried to pull her face away, she did not want to look at him. He held her jaw tightly, forcing her to look at him. 

"Which one, Caroline?" Klaus demanded. Elena would never forgive her. Never forgive her for sending Damon straight to his death. Their friendship would be lost. If she said his name, that would be it. 

"Kill me instead. Kill me and let them be, please." Caroline was disgusted at how pathetic she sounded. How desperate. 

"Caroline, if you don't tell me which Salvatore brother, I will force the answer out of you."

"Please don't make me. Elena would never forgive me."

"Would she miss you more than the Salvatore? Would you truly allow yourself to die so she can live out her life with each brother at her beck and call? Tell me which one.

"Damon." She muttered. No louder than a whisper. She tried once more to look away, but still, she couldn't.

"Why?" Klaus sounded angry. He knew, she supposed. He knew that Damon did something to her.


"What did he do?" Klaus demanded. He needed answers. 

"Klaus, please." 

She closed her eyes tight. 

"I'm not going to compel you, Caroline. Open your eyes and tell me what he did. That way I have a reason to rip out his liver and shove it down his throat." 

"We-had a thing. Back when- when I was human. A thing is all. And he broke little Caroline's pathetic human heart. Is that what you want to hear? Is it? That little defenseless human Caroline allowed a vampire to best her. I hate him, I hate him, and Elena loves him. And because Elena loves him, that means I can't hate him." Caroline snapped, pushing Klaus away from her. 

He stared at her, evaluating her.

"He used you." 

Caroline cringed. 

Klaus' face changed entirely. 

Pure, unfiltered, rage filled his face. 

He couldn't move, couldn't talk. 

"You may move my brother. Move him to my home. His coffin is in the basement. Remain there."


"Remain there Caroline. I will not say it again. Take your mother if you please, get what you need. If you are not in my home when I get out-" 


When Tyler returned, Caroline was gone. 

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