28 || take a shot each time the word tortoise is used, i dare you /j || 28

166 13 36

another rare update, please do enjoy :3

a lot of you seem to really enjoy this and im honestly surprised about that but also extremely thankful!!

updates will be more frequent over the summer.

. . .

the next morning, kirumi woke up on the floor of shuichi's bedroom.

"god... what- what time is it?"

she sat up, rubbing her head.

"about 7," a voice replied.
it was kaede, who was standing next to where kirumi sat.
"kokichi and i woke up before you. we made breakfast for you, by the way."

kirumi stood up, walking into the dining room of the house.

kokichi sat at the dining table, eating some toast.

"mornin," he said tiredly, taking another bite of bread.

kirumi and kaede both sat down at the table.

"so it turns out that the earliest we can leave is tomorrow, so we have to hide out here for the day. himiko texted me, she and angie and tsumugi are gonna pack our shit for us... and i've got a cabin registered for all of us to stay," kaede explained.

kirumi sighed. "only one cabin for all of us?"

"well we have to use the rest of the money for food and shit," kaede snapped, "so unless you want to starve to death and never save our friends, you'll have to share a room. understand?"

"...shut up. anyway... this house has, like, no food in it," kokichi mumbled. "so we have to get food somehow."

"well... i could always text the group," kaede suggested. "maybe they can get us mcdonald's or something."

. . .

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kaede akamatsu: 
ok so shuichi hasnt gone shopping in a billion years sooo can someone bring us mcdonald

maki harukawa:
id love to help! but i'm busy packing for when we have to leave... i'm so sorry!

kaede akamatsu:
its all good bae, we dont need it now
we just need it in general
like in a few hours

maki harukawa:
ok sounds great!!

kaito momota:
kay listen guys i know gonta's the smart one but hear me out
We need to throw v3 off our trail so we have time to leave the country, how do we do that??

gonta gokuhara:
Thank you for the compliment, my kind sir.
Now, you do have an excellent point, Mr. Momota. I believe it is imperative that we create a red herring.

kaito momota:
the fuck is that

gonta gokuhara:
To dumb this down for the local geek community- we need to create a distraction or an excuse for us to be gone so that nobody will suspect anything.
We need to create something else that's suspicious to draw the attention away from what we're doing.
Essentially, we need to outwit them by making them focus on something else that doesn't actually relate to any of this at all.

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