The American Dream

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What can we say that hasn't already been said?
What tears can we cry that haven't already been shed?

The American Dream,
Where America seems
To ignore its people's cries for centuries.
You murder, lie, and violence is your pride.

We plead for the day when there is no oppression.
You murder the "colored" and call it 'protection'

You've seen all the studies
you've read all the headlines
But if it is us or money
What's another life?

It was never about safety unless it was your own.
Year after year you destroy our home.

You know that the land that you kill on is stolen
You know that once you drill the promises are broken.

This was my ancestor's land.
My ancestors suffered from the fate of your hand.

Your face seems to change but the theology stays the same

Your ignorant, white supremacist mind
Hates us if we're different. You hate anyone or anything that messes up your system?

But your system is weak. You're not a strong country you're a country in need

This ain't no land of the free
Its a land of disease and poverty America you're a weed

A strong country doesn't have
It's the children's number one killer being a weapon.

America, You know that but your response is the 2nd amendment.

You put on your little gun pendant and you tell a mother whose son was just shot in school that we need more guns.

They cry 'Love is love and you scream 'They're deranged!'
If it's not white and straight does it deserve the time of day?

Your beliefs are poison.
But it's us who will "burn in hell"?

It wasn't that long ago my ancestors were rotting in your cells.

An American dream
But America you're dreaming
Wake up America you're sleeping

Your delusion of a dream was built on the backs of black slaves. One's You tortured, starved, and raped.
Stolen from their homes and boarded on your ship they starved and drowned themselves just to escape the white man's whip.

Life after life. You've stolen and defiled.
You've murdered the most innocent
A precious child.

Here's another story of a white man.
Who sailed across the sea and stole some land. He raped the women and he killed the men.

But He discovered America so let's give him a hand

You celebrate him for his 'victory' and that's the problem with our history.

We celebrate the killers and rapists and the thieves.
But they stole and killed for America, so you're pleased

Wake up America racism isn't dead it's alive and well
If you are saying otherwise you are lying to yourself. your dream is an illusion
A fascist-filled delusion

The way to salvation
is not to kill
When will you wake up
Wake up America you're so ill

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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