chapter 22 - questions and decisions

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We arrive to find John tied to the roof being dunked in water and fire alternatively. We walk in

“Ok boys you can stop now.” Says Alexis and he gets taken out of the water, screaming like there is no tomorrow. “Nathaniel I don’t know if you want to take charge of this?” She asks

“Yeah, can you and Alexander stay as well.”  The others go to the viewing room.  Alexis sits in a chair and allows us to lead. Nathaniel takes a stick and beats him. I let him, eventually he stops. He drops the stick.

“I don’t get it John. Why did you send April to our camp if you knew who we were?” He asks

“I didn’t send her we met after your marriage. I fell in love with her. Only to find out that she was already married. However she complained that you were not treating her good so it was never meant to be serious.”


“Did April ever know who you were?” I ask


“So how did you explain the tracker?”

“That a friend of mine who works for a tracking company gave it to me and the rest was history.”

“Ok John, I hear that. What I want to know is that we are allies John yet you wanted to kill us. For what?”

“We won’t kill you don’t worry. You have a family to take care of now.” Adds Nathaniel

“Adam contacted me and told me that if I can remove you both he will give me power and I will rule Gauteng.”

“Ok here is a deal for you. Give us Adam and we won’t completely strip you off the power you have now.”


“I hope you know that we trusted you. You messed up and we are only letting you live for April and the children. We will be watching you though.” I say

“Thank you boss.” He says crying. Alexis gets up and instructs her boys to escort John out and make sure that he is given clean clothes. I hug Nathaniel and I can tell this is hard for him. He breaks down. I see Alexis exit and the other brothers come in. We get in a group hug while throwing words of support and encouragement here and there. Eventually we break apart. We exit the warehouse and I find Alexis sitting in the car we came in. Everyone gets in and I hold her to me. We all go to our house. We get there to find chaos.

“What the hell is happening here?” Asks Jonathan we get out of the car to find April’s family here shouting at mom. Others have guns pointed at mom with April clearly enjoying the show.

“How dare you chase our sister out like a dog?!” Asks one of April’s brothers

“Did your sister tell you what she did?” Asks Nathaniel. He falters

“Clearly she didn’t, now please put down your guns and we talk about this like adults.” I say

They look at April and put their guns down. We go to Nathaniel’s house. The wives and the girls all go to the main house. I take Alexis and mom with me. We all sit at the lounge.

“Right April do you want to go first or should we?” I ask. She keeps quiet.

“Well since she seems shy. I guess we will go first. April has been in a relationship with someone we work with. All our… the children are his. So I asked April to vacate our premises and go to a hotel. Had she listened we would have contacted you properly but she did not grant us that opportunity.” Says Nathaniel

“What?!” Asks mom. “After everything we have done for you. You go and do this April?”

“We did not know.” Gun wielding brother states.

“So now we are officially divorced she signed the papers. You can take her with you and please leave my house.” Says Nathaniel. They all stand up and move towards the door. “Oh April I hope you remember that contract you signed where it states that should you be caught cheating you get nothing of mine.” April cries falling on her knees. “Get out of my house.” They leave.

“Oh Nathaniel. Why didn’t you tell me?” Asks mom

“I wanted to handle this by myself without worrying you.”

“Oh you silly boy.” She says getting up and going to him to hug him. I see that is our cue to leave. “Oh boys family meeting tomorrow morning.”

Everyone goes to the main house to collect their wives. We get to my house and we go upstairs.

“April’s supporters in the house are in for a shock tomorrow.” I say

“I hope she was clever to save. Is she even educated?” she asks


“Well I am going to take a shower. Want to join?”

“Have I ever said no?” I say getting up and following her

Come morning we all gather at the house. Except the girls and Alexis. She went to her house.

“Morning all.” Says mom joining us at the table.

“Morning.” Many of us say

“So as we all know April has left the family.”

“What?” Asks Grace

“Yes Grace. April is no longer part of this family.”

“What happened?” Asks Samantha

“Well she cheated on my son for ten years and had children in that affair of hers.”

“No, ma you must be mistaken. April loves Nathaniel she would never do that.” Adds Grace clearly sounding shocked.

“Are you calling mom a liar Grace? Did you know about this?”  Asks  Sebastian

“No baby, no. It’s just I am shocked. It does not make sense.”

“I think we need to ask, what alerted you to that April was cheating?” Asks Jane

“Well she had been behaving very strangely and I had her followed. Where she was seen with a man that looked very similar to the first child. These meetings occurred a lot. Eventually I managed to corner the guy and ask him what is happening. He admitted to everything and I did DNA tests which proved his theory.” Answers Nathaniel, he turns to look at Grace. “So yes your friend Grace is capable of this.”

The women are shocked except mom.

“Now that you are answered Grace.” Says mom looking at her. “Moving forward should anyone of you girls do what April did to Nathaniel. You will know me. Want to add anything boys?”

“All of you will sign contracts that will make sure that should you leave this family in April’s manner. You will get nothing. Should you cheat and there be proof of that cheating. You get nothing. Should you put my brothers or family in harms way. You leave with nothing. Also all of you will draft business proposals that you will present to us for funding. This is to be done by month end. Should you fail. Your allowances will be reduced by eighty percent.”

“Thank you Alex.” She gets up and walks out.

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