If I don't kiss you..

Start from the beginning


Damian was exhausted from the day. He spent so many hours studying to get a perfect score on his exam. Now he can finally rest. He tiredly watched himself in the mirror as he brushed his teeth.
Suddenly, a frantic and loud knock came from his door. He had no clue who it could be. Maybe his weird sidemen?

Opening the door, toothbrush still in his mouth, he looks down and sees a disheveled Anya. What on earth happened? he thought seeing her appearance. 
"What-" was all he could say before Anya push past him, closing and locking the door. "mMmMM???" Damian muffled as he couldn't speak thanks to the toothbrush. He went to his bathroom and spit  in the sink.
"Anya, what-" "Be friends with me!" Anya pleaded.

Damian was as confused as ever, he had no time to process anything, why was she here? is she REALLY here? in HIS dorm? His cheeks turned pink at her suddenness. "What are you going on about?" He asks bewildered.
"I need you to be friends with me, please!" Anya begs as she steps towards him grabbing his sleeve hanging from his wrist, tugging on it while begging. 

Damian's face turned bright red at the sight of her begging. "Tsk, w-why would I be friends with you?" He tried to play off.
"Stop it, please!" Anya cried. "I need you to be friends with me, I'll do anything, I need to come over to your house, I need to meet your father! I need to not disappoint my Papa again! I can't go back! I'll go back if you don't become friends with me!" she began frantically rambling as tears went down her face.

At this point Damian was both heavily confused and concerned, "Woah, Anya.." He says quietly and puts his hands on her shoulders and leans down closer to her head level to look at her. "What's going on?" He asked. At this point he was acting entirely on instinct. Why is she crying? I hate seeing her like this. What on earth is she going on about? He kept asking in his head.

He looked at Anya who at this point was unconsolably sobbing, no comprehensible sentence was coming out of her as she just crashed into Damian's body, hugging him tightly. Damian's cheeks turned bright red. His chest was soaring as his body tensed up at her touch. They have never had a moment like this together, let alone having such a moment alone late at night.

Anya gripped his shirt as she sobbed repeating the words "please" pathetically.
Although Damian was panicking beyond words, he wrapped his arms around her tightly and rested his head on top of hers. Tilting his face down to where his nose and lips were touching the top of her head.
I don't understand why you're crying? he kept thinking. I want to protect you, I hate seeing you like this. I can't handle it. He painfully thought. All his care and instinct towards the girl he's loved since they first met has come out all at once. He squeezed her tightly, not wanting to let go.
"Come on, let's lay down.." He says quietly, utterly shocked at his own words. He couldn't stop anything at this point. He feels completely out of control of what he's saying or doing. But at the same time, he doesn't want to stop it.

The two sit up against the wall on Damian's twin sized bed. His bed was placed at the corner of his room next to his window. The two teens laid in silence. Anya's head and body resting close against Damian's. Her head by his shoulder and chest while Damian had his left arm around her body, rubbing her shoulder as his head leans back against the wall.

Silence filled his room. Only Anya's sniffles can be heard. Both teens were anxious and panicking at the position they were both in. Neither one had any idea on what to do next.
Damian looked down at Anya. She stopped sobbing, but her tears continued to roll down her cheeks. A strand of hair stuck to her face. Instinctively, Damian used his right hand to move it back behind her ear, grazing his thumb against her jaw as he pulled away. 

What did I just do?! Damian reeled at what he just did. He couldn't believe he touched her like that in such a loving manner. I can't do this, I'll lose control! He thought. But his control was long gone by then. He only acted through love at this point. His body wanted nothing more than to care for the girl.

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