❣️ Harmonious - Miss Candy Corn And Mister Sour Kraut ❣️

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Miss Candy Corn was the sweetest person on earth and Mister Sour Kraut the most disagreeable turd.

Everywhere Miss Candy Corn went, people felt happy and full of love.

Everywhere Mister Sour Kraut went, people felt sad and full of disgust.

Everyone ran after Miss Candy Corn and begged her to stay, but everyone shun Mister Sour Kraut and shooed him away.

All the people wanted, was sweetness every day; because when Life is sweet, Life is perfect, won't you say?

So they threw Mister Sour Kraut out whenever they could, until he decided to leave them for good.

But the more sweetness that filled up their lives, the less happy the people felt deep down inside.

Life was too sweet, they no longer appreciated what they had; Life was so sweet, it made them very sad.

They needed Mister Sour Kraut and they needed him fast....

They searched and they searched and when they found him, they begged:

"Please come back, Life without you is too sweet. Please come back, it's you who we need."

Mister Sour Kraut was grumpy - who wouldn't have been? - Mister Sour Kraut was so grumpy, he said: "No siree!

Not in a million years, I'm coming back. You ask and you ask, but I won't forget!

We no longer see eye to eye, so you can kiss my sweet ass goodbye."

And away Mister Sour Kraut went. He traveled the world to find his happy end.

So remember to strife for balance in everything you do: without that search for harmony, you might feel pretty blue...

Demon In The MirrorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora