Chapter 6

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Lizzie soon found herself looking forward to spending time with Y/N. He made her feel like she could just be herself. She didn't have to be anything else like she had to with Robbie. Robbie was all for the fame and the material things. Lizzie knew from the moment she caught him in bed with another, he never really loved her. He just loved the idea of her and her fame.

But Y/N didn't care for any of that. Even since he is best friends with an up and coming star. She still didn't know a lot about him. Only that he owns his own restaurant and some houses in Richmond.

She had no idea why she was thinking about Y/N quite often. None at all, but she didn't care. Sometimes if he was at home, she would here him sing quietly as he done his gardening. With work keeping them both busy, they had barely seen each other.

Especially since Y/N decided on buy the old office building a few streets away from his restaurant. Hiring a construction team, helping him make it into affordable apartments. Especially with the amount of homeless people on the street increasing.

"So this is the plan." The contractor said as he lay a blue print of the building on the table. "It is five stories. So we may be abld to get 4 - 6 apartments on each floor." Y/N listened to the plan. "There will be 2 two bedroom and 2 - 4 one bedroom apartments per floor."

Once Y/N had agreed to everything, signing off on everything he needed to, he decided to go and check on his restaurant. Seeing Joe sat outside.

"Hey Joe, are you hungry?" He asked him.

"A little." Joe replied. "But I will be fine."

"No you won't. Come on." Y/N gestured for him to follow him inside the restaurant. He followed Y/N into the kitchen, walking passed everyone working to tbe stairs that led to the small apartmebt upstairs. "I used to live here when I first opened this restaurant."

"What are you saying?" Joe asked him.

"I understand your circumstances aren't your fault. It is the system that failed you." He told him as he fumbled with his keys. "I want you to stay here and if you want, work downstairs?"

"Are you serious?" Joe asked him with tears in his eyes.

"I'm serious." Y/N told him as he gave him the key. "There is clothes and hygiene products in the bedroom. If there is anything you need, just let me know."

"I can't take this." He said as tears fell down his cheeks.

"Yes you can. When you've settled in, we'll talk about rent and utilities." Y/N told him. "So please, have a nice relaxing night. I'll send Oscar up with dinner in an hour. Tomorrow we can talk work."

"Thank you so much." He cried as Y/N pulled him in for a hug.

"It's no problem mate." Y/N smiled before disappearing back downstairs. Once he had spoken to todays chef and Oscar, Y/N decided to head home.


Robbie had somehow managed to get the address that Lizzie is staying while she is filming Dr Strange. Hopping on the first flight and finding himself in a taxi to the address. Banging on the door harshly, causing Lizzie to cautiously look through the peephole. Her heart beating fast in her chest.

"I know you're in there Elizabeth!" He yelled as he banged on the door. The action making Lizzie jump. "We can work through whatever shit you're going through together." Lizzie scoffed and fought the urge to confront him. Knowing she is safest right now. "Come on. Don't be a bitch."

"Can I help you?" Y/N asked as he walked to his own door.

"My fiancè is being kind of tempermental. She locked me out." Y/N just nodded with a fake smile as he unlocked his own door.

"I'm sure you will work it out." And with that, Y/N disappeared behind the door. Locking it before runnibg through to his yard and climbing over the fence. Letting himself inside, finding Lizzie sat on the stairs with her head in her hands. A loud thud making her jump.

"Don't make me kick this door down and drag you back to LA with me!" He yelled as Lizzie's eyes met Y/N's.

"Go to your room." He told her softly. She nodded before heading upstairs quietly. He waited until she was up the stairs before he went to the front door.

"You live there." Robbie stated dumbly as Y/N nodded.

"I do." He smirked. "But you are making my neighbour very uncomfortable. So I am going to ask you nicely to leave or I will have to resort to other methods."

"She is my fiancè." Robbie stated.

"Ex." Y/N smirked. "Look mate, I don't know what exactly went down between the two of you, but you are making my friend feel unsafe here. So I suggest you leave. Now." Y/N towered over him. Robbie just nodded before he started down the path.

"I will be back to talk with her." He said as he pointed his finger.

"If that is what she wants." Y/N told him. Robbie just huffed before walking down the street. Y/N waited until he had disappeared before closing door and locking it before he was tackled by a very much frightened Lizzie. "Are you ok?" He asked her softly.

"Thanks to you. I am." She told him honestly.

"Let's get you some dinner." Y/N led her to the kitchen. Grabbing her some water before he started on cooking a simple meal.


Here we go guys. Please let me know what you think

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