Loving cubs

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Wukong sighed knowing Macaque gonna be in a very bad move for a couple of days but it was worth it now that Omega can live his life the way he always  wanted

Hours later macaque finally got to go to his room, he bumped into an employee and they fell, "oh l'm-" the employee got cut off "watch where the fuck your going dipshit" macaque growled as he headed to his and wukongs room, moments later he was there he swung the door open and slammed it shut Wukong jumped out of bed surprised by the sudden slam of the door before he could asked he was swiftly and roughly shove into bed having his clothes torn off and feeling a very hungry aggressive kiss in his lips Macaque inserted his member without prep and made Wukong bleed as he started pounding into Wukong, macaque didn't say anything as he bit wukongs neck roughly, holding him down as he rammed into him

Wukong moaned not minding the bleeding as usual since it can heal pretty quickly before and after each thrust so and also it toughens up his inner skin holding onto "w-what"

"Stop talking slut" macaque growled as his eyes glew purple, he forcefully covered Wukong mouth with one hand and macaque had bitten wukongs nipple, he slapped wukongs ass with his other hand, macaque kept ramming into Wukong, grunting and panting as he fucked Wukong


Wukong wanted placing his head on

Macaque chest both tired after a long fuck " so can you tell me what got you so pissy" "Just somthing happened at work, sorry if I was to rough my beloved" macaque sighed as he held Wukong close, macaque smiled sweetly at Wukong "one of the experiments got out, they were our top one, very reliable." macaques eyes glew purple and he flipped Wukong over, kissing him deeply

~after that~

Macaque cuddled with Wukong, "sorry I don't know what happened right then" macaque hummed as he kissed wukongs forehead, intertwining there tails

" it fine no worries my love " he showered his face with kisses as he nuzzle their cheeks together purring "We are leaving tomorrow my beloved" macaque bluntly said as if he didn't even understand the words that slipped out of his mouth "we will get married 3 week after we get back" macaque said with a sweet smile, "then I can finally te-" macaque stopped as he heard a heartbeat other then wukongs but it was.. it was inside Wukong.. there were 3 heartbeats beating inside of Wukong "cubs." Macaque whispered in disbelief "CUBS! WE HAVE ADDITIONS TO THE FAMILY INSIDE OF YOU!" Macaque yelled out in pure joy hugging Wukong super tight as he shadow portaled them some cloths on, "I can hear it!" Macaque said with the brightest most innocent smile he has every had


Wukong was resting in bed since he had been ordered to rest even after it been a month after he gave birth it still require to still be in resting period for at least 6 months or so he whine not wanting to be in bed and want to be out and about with his beloved and cubs but he can't he was pouting the cubs cried as they were in the bed, macaque rushed to the cribs and picked them all up "sh sh sh.. it's going to be okay my starlights" macaque hummed as song and the cubs calmed down, macaque smiled and walked with them "how about we go see mama?" Macaque asked and the cubs started happily chirping" Remember what I told you when we visit mama" macaque hummed as the cubs chirped in a 'they remember' type of way, macaque made it to Wukong room and smiled when he saw his beautiful sun pouting "remember you only visit for 10 minutes" Gigi said in the background and Abby was behind her smiling all the way to her ear. Macaque smiled gently as he gave two of the children to Wukong, the cubs chirped happily at Wukong, hugging his head, "la tranquila" macaque hummed and the cubs calmed a bit (it means calm in Spanish) macaque talked to Gigi and let her hold one cub as the others were piled on their mama

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