Experiment burglary

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Wukong looks at the clocked and raise a brow wondering why Macaque so late did his work causes him to stay later if it so then he understand but feels kinda sad though but he brushed it off it can't be helped he is busy after all though he can hear something yelling

Macaque busted through the door "I'm late l'm sorry my beloved!" Macaque yelled as he panted with how much he was running, macaque walked inside and closed the door.

Macaque speed walked over to the kitchen and sat at the table, macaque looked down at his clothes and saw the blood seeping onto the table

"oh sorry I forgot" macaque apologized

Wukong blinked nearly falling out of the bed when the door suddenly slammed open and out Macaque his beloved covered in blood and seemed to be panicky apologizing for being late as he darted around he blinks confuse

"Did I miss it." Macaque whimpered feeling defeated, he had forgot he could shadow portal in the process of panicking, macaque clenched his hands into fist, digging into his hands making them bleed, he was a terrible mate

how could he miss diner with his mate they always have diner together, he bit his lip also

Wukong started kissing him all over trying to calmed him down

" no you didn't in fact you only five minutes late our food is still not cooked yet still in the oven * he pointed out guess he was worried on missing out with dinner with him that he rushed all the way here ignoring his worked how sweet

Macaques tail waged like a dog, he chirped as Wukong kissed him, and watched him walk over to the oven to get the food out.

"i'm so glad" macaque smiled as he heard a knock on the door, his smile dropped quickly and turned to the door, walking over to it and opening it "what" macaque asked irritated

"grand alpha, the secondary alpha wanted to know why you were in the experiment room all da-

" macaque cut them off as he slapped his hand on there mouth, "shut up, tell him I was testing an experiment down there okay.. go before I lose my temper" macaque growled as the employee ran away and he closed the door, sighing

Wukong blinks okay that was something he asked if he should finished his last bit of work after they finished dinner he asked as he walked over and wrapped his arms around him all snuggled and happy

"No no.. that was n-nothing." macaque was good at lying but when lying to his mate he began to stutter, macaque snuggled back with Wukong, macaque kissed his forehead and began to walk to the table

"it's smells divine my beloved" macaque smiled as he saw Wukong take a sit. Macaque sat down to and enjoyed the food, he talked with Wukong about his job, and Wukong talked about his past with his assassin family

macaque went silent when he started talking about it all macaque could think about is that it was better if he didn't remember the past they had, macaque seemed to be silent for to long since Wukong had stopped talking and just stared at him

Wukong placed his hands over his and asked if he was okay if he was alright concerned writing all over his face he was very worried wondering if he said something to upset him

"Oh l'm okay.. just remembering things from my.. past mate" macaque sighed as he finished his food, " think l'll go to sleep first" macaque smiled as he walked over to the bed, climbing into bed, facing away from where Wukong usually sleeps, he didn't want to hurt his feelings or anything but he needed to think

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