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dear pusheen,

i was hoping the girl i was talking to was you, but now i know it wasn't. i cant believe you were that close to me, and i didnt even notice! i'm so upset now.

bachira says he's sorry for being scary, and kunigami says he wants to meet you, just so he can rub it in my face.

i asked chigiri some more about you, and he gave me such bad answers!

he told me that you have a huge crush on me, that which i already knew, and that you love cats. i already knew that too!

but he did tell me that you're 5'5. so, you're shorter than me, atleast!

i could never replace you, pusheen. you're too cute to replace, seriously. my mom walked in while i was writing one of these, and asked who i was writing it to! she kept teasing me about it when i said it was a girl.

and next time you come to our practice, please please pleassee say hi, im begging here!

i'm glad my letter made your day better, thats what im here for!

anyway, i gotta go now. but i hope your day was good again! i cant wait for your next letter, pusheen.


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