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dear isagi,

tell them i said hi too!! kunigami looks really nice as well, but bachira still scares me, not in a bad way, though!

and U CANT LIE noa is so finnneee im literally drooling. he's not as good looking as you though.

also yeah, i guess it was obvious, my favorite animals are cats! and the japanese spiny lobster is fucking terrifying.

and my day instantly got better when i saw your letter, thank you 'sagi!! :D

and soft? i won't question it but.. i mean i guess you're right?? i asked my mom and she said i'm soft spoken, so i guess that's what you meant ?

and my day today was super boring, but i did watch some of your practice today! from a distance, though. i didnt walk into the open, since i knew you'd look for me, silly.

neon genesis is really good, but super layered. it's also really emotion packed, and kinda depressing. (really depressing)

and i was going to try and talk to you today, but you were talking to another girl. </3 already replacing me? :(

just kidding, haha! you don't even know who i am so it's okay :,).

anyway, i'm tired, but i hope your day was good! and you did really well during practice! from what i saw, at least.

love u!!


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