Chap.5 - I Missed You ★

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"Aww, guys its our last day!" Jake complained looking at his phone. Their plane takes off tomorrow morning. Which made Denis sad. "What! Nooo." Kaden frowned eating his garlic bread. "We should watch a movie for our last day." Dani suggested sitting down on the couch. Denis grabbed a bottle of gatorade and sat down on the other couch. "What movie genre?" Jake asked. Everyone stopped and thought for a while. "Humor!" Dani suggested smiling. "What movie though.." Laugh thought and rubbed his chin. "Maybe (insert movie name)?" Denis looked at everyone. "Ooo I love that movie!" Kaden smiled. 

The movie started and everyone was invested. Denis almost forgot Albert was coming over, but he quickly remembered, a smile grew across his face. 

It was about 11:04 AM. Kaden, Jake, and Dani all fell asleep. Laugh was struggling to stay awake. Denis pulled out his phone and looked through instagram. He came across a pretty picture of Albert, he admired him and kept scrolling. 

- Albert's Pov -

"Here's my ticket sir!" I smiled handing the flight attendent my ticket, I went down the short hall way to the plane. I found my seat and sat down by the window, nobody was sitting beside me, which was great for me. I looked out the window, excited to see Denis. It's been 10 months since I left. I grew a fat crush on him, but it wasn't obvious because we "jokingly" flirt all the time. 

I felt my eyes close. "Alright everybody! We have arrived, get your belongings and please exit in a neat line!" I jumped in my seat, and looked around. I stood up and grabbed my luggage out of the little apartment above me. That was surprisingly fast, maybe I slept for to long? I don't know.

I walked out the plane and looked around, I grabbed my phone and sat down on a chair.

A: Denis!!! I'm at the airport, can you pick me up please? 🥺

D: Really! Yah, I'll come get you! <3

I put my phone back in my pocket and stood up stretching out my arms.

- Denis Pov -

I got up from the couch and grabbed my keys from the table. "Laugh, I'm going to pick up Albert!" I whispered. He nodded and fell asleep. I opened the door and walked out shutting it.

I ran to my car and opened the door. I smiled while driving, thinking of Albert. His chocolate brown hair, brown eyes.

I parked in a parking spot in front of the airport. I opened the car door and took step by step out of the car. The door swung open with people coming in and out. I walked in, looking around for the short man. I looked at the sitting area, but he wasn't there. Hm. As I turned around I heard footsteps running toward me. I looked back to see Albert! "Hi Denis!" He smiled and hugged me, he gave the best warm hugs ever. "Hi Albert! I'm glad to see you again." I smiled hugging him back.

We hugged for awhile, he let go. "We better get going, my legs hurt from looking for you." He groaned. "Same." I laughed, he made a small chuckle. We walked out the double doors and went toward my car. "It's cold out here, open the door!" Albert complained, pretending to chatter his teeth. "Yeah yeah." I giggled and opened the door. I started the car and pulled out the parking lot.

Albert messed with the radio, flipping through channels. "Ya gonna pick one or not?" I asked smiling at with. "There's- oh, never mind I found a song!" He smiled and sat back. I made a small laugh.

"I missed you." I heard Albert whisper. My face grew a contagious smile.


𝐌𝐲 𝐃𝐨𝐨𝐫 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 - ( 𝘿𝙚𝙣𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙩 )Where stories live. Discover now