Chap.4 - Good News!

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The bright morning sun made a shadow through Denis's room. His alarm clock went off, so did the others through every room. It was really loud. "TURN YALLS ALARM CLOCK OFF!" Jake yelled from down the hallway. Denis sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes. He barely opened his eyes. "MY EARS ARE BLEEDING!" Dani yelled. Denis made a small chuckle. He turned off his clock and got up from his bed. 

"Whos alarm clock is still beeping?!" Denis asked looking down the hallway. Dani peaked through Laugh's door. He was still sleeping, being the heavy sleeper he is. "LAUGH WAKE UP!" Dani yelled and laughed. Laugh jumped, and scratched his head. 

"Breakfast is ready!" Kaden yelled from downstairs, he must of woken up before them. "Mmm!" Jake smiled running down the stairs like a happy child. "Ooo.." Jake scanned the table. Everyone sat down at the table, starting to munch down on their food. Denis picked at the eggs, they weren't all the way done. "Kaden, I don't think you cooked the eggs all the way." Denis said light heartly. "Dang it." Kaden frowned. "I'll try again tomorrow." He added and ate his bacon. 

Everybody got done with breakfast and sat their plates in the sink, and then went to get changed. Denis wore a black shirt and white shorts. He got memories from yesterday, how Albert comforted him. His voice soothed him. The words he had said. He admired all of it, he smiled at that thought and walked toward the back door. He opened it to Kaden and Dani fighting over something. He sat on the steps and pulled out his phone. He saw a message pop up in his notifications. 

Albert has sent you 2 messages.

He quickly opened the messages and checked on Alberts contact. 

A: Gm Denis!!!!!!

A: I have some cool news for you!

D: Hi albert!!

D: Whats the cool news?

A: I'm coming to see you tomorrow!

Denis's stomach started to flutter with butterflies. He had a big smile grow across his face. He texted Albert back smiling. He's going to see Albert, his, crush! He stomped his feet lightly on the steps. "Are you actually happy right now?!" Laugh came out with a soda can in his hand. "Yeah, Alberts coming tomorrow!" Denis exclaimed smiling happily. Laugh sat down at a tree. 

Denis felt happy, he didn't feel sorrow anymore. He had butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He couldn't wait to see his best friend tomorrow. He smiled and went on other social media apps. 

"Guys! Do yall wanna go to the park?" Laugh asked everyone. "I would love to!" Kaden smiled happily. Everyone agreed and put on their coats, it was cool outside. Because you know, Canada. Dani started to make a pun, it was kinda funny. "C'mon, that was funny!" Dani frowned and rolled her eyes. They chuckled and started a conversation. Denis couldn't stop thinking of Albert, he was to excited to see him tomorrow. He kept zoning out smiling. "Wooo, Deniss? You want ice cream or not?" Laugh waved in his face, laughing. Denis jumped and straightened his posture. "Huh-oh yeah, sure!" Denis smiled nervously. "Denis seems happier today, and that's not a bad thing." Dani whispered to Kaden. Kaden agreed and smiled. "Here you guys go!" Laugh came back holding 5 cups of ice cream, they were in a tray. They sat down on a bench and ate their ice cream. Surprisingly. I don't why they had ice cream, it was cold out. Denis was used to it though. The others were struggling to eat their ice cream. 

𝐌𝐲 𝐃𝐨𝐨𝐫 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 - ( 𝘿𝙚𝙣𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙩 )Where stories live. Discover now