5: To the place that is nowhere with me

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"Oh, unfortunately, I can't. I'm going to Yoohyeon's university to meet with her professors."

"Will you be free after? Well, I cannot meet you at the school by then but we can arrange a meeting somewhere else. How does that sound to you?"

"Fantastic! I don't want to waste your time, though. Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. You won't be wasting my time, all my kids have the same privileges. Is six o'clock alright?"

"It's perfect," Bora says, and an immense wave of relief washes over Minji.

"Perfect," She repeats, not having a clue about the huge grin on her face. "I'll text you later about the details."

"Thank you. Goodbye, Minji. Good luck with the classes."


And the call finished.

Minji stayed like that for a few minutes, leaning on the desk and breathing in and out while trying to get rid of all the fussy thoughts hovering over her mind.


Bora lay in her bed unmoving for a few minutes after the call, replaying the conversation in her mind, and it was now harder to forget about the occurrences that happened a few days ago in the bar now that she knew she had to meet Minji.

It would be the first time seeing her out of that damn classroom and the bar.

She slowly put a pillow on her face to restrain the groan that was about to come out after remembering Minji's skilful mouth dancing against hers, her tender but electrifying touch and the lustful look in her honey-coloured eyes. A kiss that roared and clashed, and thinking about it, Bora dreamt of having Minji's weight against every inch of her skin.

She knew how very much wrong all of it was, but her mind felt so foggy, and she was deeply aware of an ache deep inside her, a longing that she didn't know how to name or satisfy. Her belly coiled and tightened, and between her legs was a sweet, building agony.

She threw the pillow beside her and breathed in the now fresh air, slowly sitting up to not wake Gahyeon up. It was early in the morning, and Gahyeon was a sleep-lover. As much as Yoohyeon was.

She pulled her aching body out of the bed and limped into the bathroom, moaning into the hot washcloth she pressed against her face. It was like a hangover, but worse. A hangover where you had also been hit by a bus, and then your heart had been removed from your chest, run through a washing machine, and placed back in your body in a slightly different spot. Her entire body felt like it had been through the spin cycle.

She entered the dark living room with a can of cold beer in her hand, still wearing an oversized grey t-shirt that she uses as a pyjama.

She didn't turn on the TV. Gahyeon and Yoohyeon were sleeping, she didn't want to wake them up by any chance. Yoohyeon has been exhausted enough, lately. With all the exams and projects, Bora could see how tired the once bubbly girl has become. She wants to take her somewhere after she's done with the semester, maybe all three of them could go to an amusement park. Gahyeon loves amusement parks. Hell, it has been more than a year since they went to one.

Bora knew she was slowly slipping out because of her work. But they were finally financially stable, she couldn't risk losing the job right now, especially when Gahyeon just started school.

After a thought about school reached her mind, she couldn't help but see images of a certain teacher in front of her once again. Her heart was suddenly pounding; she felt her bottom lip trembling and she pressed her teeth into it to regain control.

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