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The Next Day


U wanna see me today ?


Where u want me to pick u up at

nah i wish i could but i think kái tracking my phone but to be safe, rain check?

K i miss u tho Kayla

i miss you more

Ight hit me later ma


"Kayla. What you doing today?" Kái asked me coming in my room. He plopped down on my bed.

"I'm just chilling. Ion have nothing to do. Why you not at work?" I asked him.

"They said they had it handled. Ion wanna be hovering them." Kaiser said. Kái was the Ceo for a major Clothing Line, Five Staar Apparel.

"Oh okay. Well, can you help me with this question?" I asked him. I showed him my laptop. I was working on an interview and it asked, 'What might others think of you?'.

"What's this for?" He asked looking at the question.

"I'm just filling out this job questionnaire." I said making him suck his teeth.

"No Kayla. You don't need no job. I got us." He said making me roll my eyes.

"Kayla stop fucking rolling yo' eyes at me." Kaiser said.

"Whatever. Can you give me my weed?" I asked with my hand out.

"I smoked that shit last night." He said laughing. I jerked my head back and mugged him. I fixed my face then started scratching my ears.

Lemme made sure I heard this bum right...

"The fuck you just say? You what?" I asked him, with my head tilted to the side.

"I said I smoked that shit last night." He said speaking slowly as if I couldn't comprehend.

"Ahe, ha, ha. Stop playing with me bro. You already know how I am about my weed. I need to smoke bro. I'm stressed out. Stop playing Káiser and give me my weed. Where my weed at? Give me my weed." I said talking fast.

"Ain't nobody playing Kayla. I smoked that shit last night." He said smiling. I sucked my teeth. I got off my bed and started walking around my room.

I calmed myself down and just walked out the room.

This nigga wanna play with MY shit. Got some for that ass...

I went in his room and started throwing all his clothes out his dresser. I grabbed his favorite pair of shoes. It was his Retro Cherry 11's, 2016 version.

"Aye, chill out. Put my shit down." He said running in the room behind me. I mugged him. I ran past him and back into my room. I grabbed my lighter.

"Bro. Kayla. Chill the fuck out bro. Bro, you can't get these shits no where else! Chill!" He said running into room. I smirked as I sparked the lighter.

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