The Unexpected Strength

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The next few minutes were total chaos. River's stomach was tied tightly in a knot and she felt like she was going to throw up. There was still some light, but she knew it wouldn't last long. She felt as if she was somewhere else as the commotion sank back disappearing from her sight as the panic settled in, engulfing her in it embrace.

River was awoken from her trance as Minho grabbed her wrist and began pulling her towards the box. She watched as he jumped inside, and beckoned for her to do the same.

They sat in the corner, the box completely closed. They didn't say a word. There was nothing to say. The silence was filled with screams of panic and shouts of orders from above.

"Shouldn't we be out there helping?" River spoke up. Minho shook his head.

"The grievers could be here any minute. It's better we're safe." The box was suddenly opened as Newt jumped down inside it, followed by Thomas and a few Gladers that River didn't know the names of. The silence returned as the sounds of shaky breathing filled the small space.

River's stomach lurched as the last bit of light finally disappeared from the sky, replaced with jet black ink. As soon as the darkness enveloped them, a griever's shriek could be heard from somewhere inside the maze. River tensed up as she heard it, before feeling calmer. Minho was holding her hand, his thumb rubbing the back. She looked over at him before realizing she couldn't see his face. She squeezed his hand to show her gratitude.

River knew the grievers had entered the maze as soon as she heard the screams, both from the Gladers and the grievers. But something snapped inside of her when she heard screaming from someone just outside the box, someone she knew well.

She threw herself up onto her feet and pushed open the entrance to the box. Using all her might, she jumped out and onto the grass. A griever was staring right at Chuck, not moving. She didn't have time to wonder why it wasn't moving before people started screaming from below her, shouting at her to jump back in the box.

River slowly walked in front of Chuck, knowing she had to do something to save him. He was too young to die tonight. The griever began to charge at the two, and River realized her only choice was to run. She grabbed Chuck's hand and began sprinting, looking behind to see that both Newt and Minho had jumped out of the box and began running towards her, before realizing that they had a griever of their own to worry about.

River forced herself not to think about the two boys that were back by the box, knowing that they would survive this. She gripped Chuck's hand tighter in her own, sprinting through the blackness, somehow out running this griever.

Fires were spread out around the Glade, and the homestead flickered from the light. She pulled Chuck and herself inside of it before hiding behind a wall.

Their breath was heavy and uneven as they hid from the monster lurking outside. River closed her eyes and tried to calm her breathing. When she opened them again, she saw something.Beside her lay an axe used for cutting wood. It must have been dropped by someone else earlier. She grabbed it in case she had to defend herself at a close range.

As soon as the axe was in her right hand, her left hand was freed. Chuck had been grabbed by the ankle, and was about to be pulled out the roof. The griever had reached its claw into the homestead, and grabbed Chuck to kill.

River reacted quickly, grabbing Chuck's wrist and pulling. She was no match for this griever, and she knew that, but she had to try. She threw the axe down onto the ground right beside her and grabbed onto Chuck with her other hand for more strength.

"Hold on, Chuck!" She shouted to the small boy suspended in the air.

"No shit!" He shouted back, eyes full of panic. In her peripherals, River saw the axe she had thrown down only a moment earlier, still in her reach, and an idea came to her head.

With a heave, River pulled Chuck harder and was able to bend back for a second to grab the axe. With one swing, she cut off the griever's arm. It, and Chuck, fell to the ground with a thud. The rest of the griever's arm flew out the window as the griever sank back and ran out somewhere else into the Glade.

Chuck slowly stood up, groaning. He looked down toward his ankle, which was covered in scratches, but otherwise appeared to be okay.

"Thanks River." He panted.

"Eh, don't mention it." She smiled. "Now, you stay here. I'm going to go find Newt and Minho."

Chuck nodded quickly as River flew out the door towards the box, axe still in her hand. Flames were spreading quickly, and people's horrified faces were illuminated by the light.

As she dashed off into the Glade, the grievers began to stop fighting people. Confused, River stopped dead in her tracks. As quickly as they had come, the grievers fled the Glade, running out into the maze.

Everyone looked as confused as River felt. But she pushed that feeling aside, knowing that she had to go find her friends. Nearing the box, she saw Thomas, Minho, and Newt standing together. As They saw her, Minho's face lit up with anger. River was startled by this, as Minho had never really been mad at her before. She walked slowly toward them.

"River, can I talk to you for a minute?" Minho asked. River nodded as he lead her toward the deadheads. It was a silent walk, and River was filled with dread.

As they entered the trees, the light from the fire disappeared and they were engulfed in the darkness. The sounds from Glade began to drown out the further they walked. They stopped when they got somewhere completely private.

"What were you thinking?" He yelled at her. "You could have died!"

"Chuck was out there! I couldn't let the grievers get him!" She defended herself, hoping no one could hear them shouting through the trees.

"River, I don't care about Chuck!"

"What do you mean you don't care about Chuck?" Hearing that was like a slap in the face. How could he say that? "He's just a kid, Minho! A sweet kid that doesn't belong here.

"I didn't mean it like that." He lowered his voice, clearly regretting what he said. River wouldn't let him go that easy. She wished he could see her clearly through the darkness of the deadheads so he could see in her eyes just how angry she was.

"Oh, really? Then how did you mean it? You mean my life means more than Chuck's? How can you measure that?"

"I just can." Minho looked away.

"How? How is there a difference?"

"The difference is I'm not in love with Chuck." He said sternly, looking straight into her eyes. "I'm in love with you, River."


Author's Note

Boom! There it is! Finally! I'm pretty excited, how about you? But what will River's reaction be? And how will this work out? Looks like you're going to have to wait to find out! :)


For My Help (A Minho Fan Fiction) [EDITING]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt