The Unexpected Position

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    "Minho..." River's voice trailed away, shaking a bit, as her fingertips ran over the cool metal of the plaque.

    "What is that?" Minho asked, reading the words over and over again, his eyes flicking back and forth, searching for an answer.

    "Do you think they're talking about me?" River turned around to look at him, worry casting a shadow over her face.

    "No, of course not. I mean, how could they mean you?"

    "I'm the only girl here, Minho. Who else could they want?" Minho stepped forward suddenly and engulfed River into a hug. It was nice, River had to admit it. She found herself wanting to stay in his arms forever. Minho tightened his grip suddenly, then pulled away. Keeping his hands on her shoulders as he stared into her eyes.

    "I won't let them take you."

    River nodded slightly before breaking eye contact. "We should probably start running again." She suggested, desperately wanting to change the subject.

    "Yeah, you're right." Minho scratched the back of his head before starting to run again. River shook herself out of her bad state of mind and began to run behind him, following his every step.

    By the time they had reached the Glade, the doors were about to close. As they slowed to a stop while running into the open green area, River took a moment to catch her breath. She was absolutely exhausted.

    "The first day's always the hardest." Minho patted River on the back. "Here, I'll map out the path, you go grab dinner. You had a long day."

    "Thanks!" River smiled graciously before walking towards the scent of food.

    Sitting down with Chuck, Thomas, and Newt, River noticed something was up. The three boys kept stealing glances at each other and were oddly quiet. They seemed to be unable to sit still as they scooped food into their mouths.

    "How was running!?" Chuck burst suddenly, startling River as she almost choked on her food.

    "Chuck, we were going to wait until later to ask her!" Thomas groaned, shaking his head slightly before looking towards River who was sitting right across the table.

    "We didn't want to bombard you with questions the moment you got back." Newt explained calmly.

    "Nah, it's alright. I'll talk." River grinned, looking at the three ecstatic boys around her. They leaned in slightly, excited to hear what she had to say.

    "How did you do?" Chuck asked.

    "I did well, I think." River shovelled rice into her mouth.

    "So you're not dead, that's a plus!" Newt laughed before continuing. "Will you be going out again tomorrow?"

    "I don't know, I guess it's up to Minho really." River shrugged.

    "Oh I'm sure he'll let you run again. There's no way he could ever say no to you." Thomas smirked and Newt chuckled. River furrowed her brow in confusion before Minho slumped down next to River and rested his forehead on the table.

    "You good, Minho?" Thomas reached over and shook Minho's arm, expecting a response. Minho grunted then stood back up to get food.

    "He looks exhausted!" Chuck exclaimed.

    "River, did you tire out Minho on your first day?" Newt began to laugh wholeheartedly, a wide grin spread across his face. River held up her hands in mock surrender.

For My Help (A Minho Fan Fiction) [EDITING]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat