The Unexpected Glitch

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"What is that?" Thomas' eyes were resting on the metal cylinder, curiosity consuming him.

"I have no idea." Minho was now inspecting the item, turning it over in his hand. The beeping hadn't stopped, and River was slightly worried it may be a bomb, but decided that that would be ridiculous.

"Why's it beeping?" Winston stepped forward, just in front of River.The rest of the group was completely motionless, worried that one quick movement would cause something drastic to happen.

"Let's head back." Minho raised his head to look at the teenagers in front of him, and walked towards them. "Whatever we need to figure out we can figure out in the Glade. It's not safe out here."

"I agree." River spoke up.

"Well, let's go then!" Frypan exclaimed.

Running back to the Glade, Minho tapped on River's shoulder. When she turned around to look at him she saw he was holding up the cylinder.

"Guys, stop." She shouted to the group. They all stopped running and turned to look at her, confusion clear on their faces.

"The farther away we run, the slower this beeps." Minho explained.

"So?" Frypan asked.

"So maybe if I run the other way, it'll start beeping faster."

"Who cares how fast it beeps, I just want to get back to the Glade." Jeff whined.

"You're right. You head back to the Glade, and I'll catch up with you guys later."

"You sure you have time?" Zart asked.

"Yeah, it's not even two yet, I'll make it back." Minho shrugged.

"I'll come with you." River suggested.

"No, we don't know where this will take me, it'd be better if you just go back with them."

"Nope." River popped the 'p'. "I'm coming with you."

"Fine." Minho sighed. "You guys head back, we'll meet up soon."

They all said their goodbyes before the group ran off with Thomas in the lead, leaving Minho and River alone.

"So, how are we going to go about investigating this?" River turned to Minho, pointing towards the device in his hands.

"I guess we'll just run back and see if I was right." Minho shrugged. "The beeping could mean something. It could lead us somewhere."

"Like a game of Hot and Cold?"

"Exactly like a game of Hot and Cold."

He was right. The farther they ran, the faster the beeping became. As it became incredibly fast, their surroundings changed.

"What the hell?" River walked forward. The maze had stopped. There in front of her was a cliff. She couldn't see anything in the distance, just blue sky.

"Yeah, I know. I've been here a few times but there's nothing here. It's just a dead end." Minho stepped up towards her, looking off into the distance.

"Maybe not..." River started walking forward, towards the edge of the cliff. While walking, she stepped on a rock. Unfortunately for her, this rock was rounded and as she stepped she slipped back, landing on her butt. She groaned as she hit the pavement, the pain spreading to her tailbone. The rock went flying off the side of the cliff. As it flew off, it disappeared into thin air.

Minho was laughing hysterically at her fall, and he had to stop and catch his breath every once in a while.

"That was the most pathetic fall I have ever seen!" He laughed while gasping for air. "I cannot believe that just happened!"

"Minho..." River stood up slowly, not taking her eyes off the cliff. She ignored his laughter as she waited for him to respond. When he didn't she called his name again. "Minho!"

"Yeah?" He stopped laughing abruptly. River didn't respond. Instead, she reached down and grabbed a pebble on the ground, walking towards the edge of the cliff again she tossed the pebble off the side roughly where the other one flew off. Once again, the pebble disappeared into thin air. It was the strangest, most hard-to-believe thing River had ever seen.

"I've thrown stuff off the cliff before," Minho said. "How could I have ever missed that? I never saw anything disappear. Never."

"Maybe we should try throwing something again? We might have seen it wrong or something."

Minho bent down and picked up a rock, tossing it forward it disappeared from existence once more. The look of disbelief on his face said it all.

The two then began throwing rocks in the original spot and all around it, checking the size of this glitch in reality.

"No wonder I missed it," Minho said, stepping back from the edge. "It's kind of small."

"Do you think this is where the grievers go during the day?" River speculated.

"What do you mean?" Minho furrowed his brow.

"Well, this thing you pulled from the griever practically lead us here. Maybe this is how they find their way through the maze every night. If this leads them here each morning, then this must be their way out."

"Could be." Minho nodded.

"And if this is their way out. Maybe it's ours."

"It's a pretty small hole, River. Trying to jump into it could be difficult." Minho shook it off. It was almost as if he was denying that they had found a way out. This didn't surprise River. After being in here as long as he had been, denial would be an expected response.

"The grievers are pretty big, Minho. Besides, it's not that far of a jump." River pressed on.

"We should get back. We need to tell Newt about this."

"But then he'll know we were out here with all those people without his permission! We could be in loads of trouble!"

"If that shank hasn't figured it out by now then he's as stupid as I thought he was."

By the time they reached the Glade, it was total chaos. People were running around, grabbing supplies, and shouting. Pushing their way through the panic, Minho and River searched for Newt. Finally spotting him near the box, shouting at some kid, they rushed over to him.

"Newt! What's going on?" River shouted, her voice almost lost to the surrounding noise.

"What do you mean what's going on?" Newt almost screamed. He didn't appear to be happy. River figured he wouldn't be after he found out what they did.

"Listen, Newt. We're sorry okay." River had to raise her voice again as it got slightly darker.

"Just tell us what the shuck is going on!" Minho shouted.

"What's going on? I'll tell you what's going on! Too busy makin' lovey eyes to notice? Have you not checked the bloody time?" Through the anger, River could see immense amounts of fear in the boy's eyes.

River brought her wrist up to her sight, checking her watch. Her stomach dropped when she realized what had happened. She was surprised they hadn't checked the time while they were running, or even noticed the sunlight dimming. Minho still looked clueless somehow, so Newt filled him in.

"The walls, you shuck! The doors! They were supposed to close half an hour ago!"


Author's Note

Hello again! As you can see I'm kind of mixing the movie and the book together. I really couldn't pick which story I wanted to follow. Although I do love the book better (doesn't everyone), I thought the movie's version was pretty great as well!

Now, I know some of you may be getting impatient as to when River and Minho will be getting together. Let me just say, it will be happening soon. There's a little teaser for you because I love you guys. :)


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