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When i woke up, the weather was really sunny

I woke up and made myself breakfast since my family already ate

After i ate, i cleaned everything and ran to Lo'ak's hut

"Hi! Can i come in?" I asked

"Of course" Neytiri said  answered, Lo'ak heard my voice, turned to me and signed to come next to him

I went and sat down next to Lo'ak

Tuk was playing with Kiri and Neteyam was just doing something

"How did you sleep?" I broke the silence

"Good what about you?" Lo'ak asked

"Pretty good i guess" i answered

We both talked for a bit

Kiri and Neteyam asked if they could join us since Tuk wanted to sleep

We both agreed and they sat down next to us

"How did you guys travel here?" I asked

"By an Ikran!" Kiri asnwered

"What is an Ikran?" I questioned

"Its basically a dragon in multiple colours and designs" Lo'ak asnwered

"Wow" i replied

"We could show our ikrans to you Y/n?" Neteyam asked

"I would love that!" I said

"Do you want to go now?" Neteyam questioned

"Sure!" I replied

I stood up and Neteyam did too

"Aren't you guys coming?" I asked

Kiri shook her head but Lo'ak stood up

I waved goodbye to Kiri

I followed Neteyam out the hut

I was holding Lo'aks hand answell

"This is my Ikran" Neteyam pointed to one of the ikrans

I looked at ikran that Neteyam pointed too

"Its very beautiful" i replied

I looked at the next one

"This one is mine" Lo'ak said

"Wow, they are all so pretty"

"This one is Neytiri's, Jake's and then Kiri's" Lo'ak said

"Is it scary to ride an ikran? I mean your in the sky?" I asked

"No, not at all, when your used to it, its really fun" Neteyam said

"Maybe we could go on a fly, around here?" Lo'ak asked

"But y/n?" Neteyam asked

"She can sit on my ikran?" Lo'ak looked at me

"I would love to" i smiled

Lo'ak hopped onto his ikran and made the bond

Neteyam did too

Lo'ak reached for my arm and pulled me on

I wrapped my arms around his waist and placed my chin on his shoulder

After a minute we were in the sky

I was admiring the sea from top it was beautiful

The wind was blowing my hair

If i had my own ikran i would probably ride it all the time

lo'ak sully ★ i see you ★Where stories live. Discover now