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Y/n's pov

I haven't slept in two days, i have been crying all day and night

I haven't even been outside my hut for in those days, and eating also hasn't met me

I felt so heartbroken inside, and so betrayed by Sa'eyla.

How could she. The person i was there for when her parents we're fighting.

I was the only one who was there for her.

No one has come to my hut so i guess Sa'eyla also told the whole group everything she said to Lo'ak.

I really needed someone to hold me right now just like Lo'ak did.

I decided i will go out at night when no one is outside, i needed some fresh air.

Sometimes i wish that i was the one who had the virus, not my parents.

It was already night, another day inside crying

I went to the secret place i and lo'ak shared, hoping he will not be there

I climbed up really quiet incase he was there, but he wasn't

I was sitting on the rock tears still falling from my eyes

Suddenly i crossed my hands and noticed the bracelet Lo'ak gave me.

I wanted to tear it off but I didn't, i still loved Lo'ak very much.

If Lo'ak couldn't be here for me, atleast i have the bracelet he gave me.

I saw something in the sea


It was Lo'ak and Payakan

I wanted to go listen to what he was talking to Payakan about, so i slowly got off the rocks while i took my ilu and went closer to them

I heard "You know Payakan, the girl was so special to me but now I can't even look her in the eye, she basically lied"

"But maybe she was telling the truth, but the other girl was lying" Payakan responded

"I don't know!" Lo'ak signed

I should head back to my hut, I can't even look at him without crying

As i went back i saw someone sitting in my hut

I thought it was Sa'eyla "Get out." I said

"Its me Tsireya y/n!" tsireya calmly said

"Oh." I looked down embarrassed

"I want to talk to you" she patted next to her where i could sit

"I thought no one would want to talk to me after what Sa'eyla said." I said with a sad tone

"You know, no one believed her only that skxawng Lo'ak did" Tsireya laughed

"What how do you know?" I said

"Well we had some group meetings without Sa'eyla and Lo'ak to talk about you and everyone missed you and didn't believe Sa'eyla" Tsireya said while putting her hand around my shoulder

"Okay thats good, but what about Lo'ak? Is he okay?" I asked

"Everyones okay, Lo'ak is fine, looks like he's been crying, but he definitely misses you the most you know" Tsireya answered "He always picks at his matching bracelet that you also have, and he is quiet now"

"Maybe he's just sad because he trusted me, he sounded really angry at me when he was telling me about what Sa'eyla said" i said worried

"Trust me Y/n, he misses you for you!" Tsireya said

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