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Lo'aks pov

I slowly went to the group with my ilu
As i heard one of them boys say "What is forest boy doing here?"

"Im sorry i hit you, so many times" i said while looking at Ao'nung

He looked at his friends then turned back "Ah we should be friends" he pulled his hand out to shake mine

"Come hunting with us, Outside the reef" he said while smirking

"No way bro im not allowed." I said because i knew if i got in trouble again i dont know what father would do.

"Ah i guess im asking the wrong brother" he said

"Lets do it." I said with an angry tone

Ao'nung gave me the equipment as we rode our ilu's to the hunting place

We did all sorts of turns and twists it was really fun

I heard someone yell "Keep up forest boy!"

"That was insane, cuz!" I yelled

Ao'nung replied "This way, i know a good spot" he looked at his friends

As we arrived all of us went underwater

Ao'nung signed "Call the fish" as he did some weird sound

I copied him, doing the sound, suddenly i catched a fish.

I turned around smirking, but then Ao'nung was gone, my smile faded.

I went up with my ilu as i yelled "Guys This isn't funny, Ao'nung!"

Suddenly i flew in the sky with my ilu, below me was a big sea creature

As i fell into the water the creature was chasing my ilu, but the ilu was fast so it got away quickly, then the creature turned to me

It started chasing me, so i swam in different directions so it would stop chasing me, but it didn't

After some while i thought it was gone, so i swam up because i needed to catch my breath

But then it turned and saw me, i pulled out my knife as the creature swam closer.

Then some bigger creature, crushed into the one who was chasing me

I tried to get out but the tail was making it hard for me to get out, because it was going left right left right

Suddenly the grip on my knife loosened and i passed out.

I woke up by the water that was splashing me, i sat up and looked around, then i saw some water coming out of some holes.

"Shit" i said

It was an animal, i went to sit on their fin

"You saved my life. Thank you"

I didnt think the animal understood so i signed

"Thank you"

The animal let out a sound so i looked at its fin, there was some metal in it

"I'll try to get it out" i said as i tried to pull it out

It didn't work so i went underwater to unscrew it

As i did i took it and dropped it into the ocean

i went up i signed "Friends?"

Suddenly the Tulkun had dropped me into the ocean

Underwater i looked at him confused as he did a spin

lo'ak sully ★ i see you ★Where stories live. Discover now