Sakura's three lives chapter 5

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Third person pov

As sakura finished watching the flashback, she felt a something wet sliding down her cheek.
"Huh?" Sakura wonders while touching her cheeks only to feel tears sliding of.

"Why am I feeling devastated from just watching my past when it's not even me that experience it in the first place?"
Sakura ask herself.

"It's because it is your own emotions, even if you have a new life now, the past is still you. Your just seing what had happened before and after you died" madara suddenly said while walking out of the darkness and shocking sakura.

"W-what are you going to do to me now that you have already shown me the past?" Sakura ask with a hint of hesitation lace in her voice.

"Isn't it obvious? I will marry you as what we promised to each other in the past" madara replied while making his way to sakura, he reach out to touch her cheeks but...


"There seems to be some interruptions" madara said while turning to look on what's behind him.
"Damn right there is you piece of sh*t of a bastard " sakura and madara immediately recognized that voice because the voice belongs to non other than

indra. (Suprise suprise it ain't sasucakes)

"Didn't kaguya teach you to not interrupt into conversations?" Madara ask with a hint of a mocking tone in his voice. "Well she did but she also said that I could interrupt when it involves something that is mine" indra replies back. "You two should stop arguing because I'm taking her b*tches" sasuke suddenly pops in the conversation and holding sakura by the waist and preparing his rennigan.

"Wait Sasuke-kun stop!!" Sakura screams as her voice got smaller and smaller as her and sasuke jump into the portal. "Damn it! That son of a duck! I swear the next time i saw him I'll roast him like a chicken he is!" Madara shouted as he kicked a pible that randomly appeared.

"Nah cause I'm helping you as well" indra chimed in as he cracks his nuckles.

And sakura and especially sasuke didn't know about the secret alliance madara and indra had.

The end

*wassup you all and I'm still alive, I also wanna apologize if I'm taking wayyyyy too long to update this book. So after a 100 years I'm able to update again! Yay! Sorry if this is short like me😅 btw*

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