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POV y/n: 

As I look down the pitlane my eyes met his, I couldn't look away as he had me locked in some sort of enchantment, his dark brown eyes seemed to glisten in the sun, I still felt butterflies everytime he looked at me even thouhg we where not on speaking terms at this point, every bone in my body wanted to be close to him again. Me and George were able to convince my dad that we were dating, he would have preferred me with Lewis but I couldn't get that over my heart. I spent a lot of time over winter break with George so the media would start to notice us. I startle from my thoughts when an arm is placed on my shoulders. "Hello darling." It is George's voice I hear then, I immediately see Carlos look away and I sigh. I give George a hug as I always do, more like that never really came. George is sweet to me but we agreed never to do more like what we are doing now, apparently it has an effect on Carlos, the look in his eyes said enough. "Did you see the way he was looking at us?" I whisper. "Yes I saw that, but I have to go now because training is about to start." George lets go of me and I watch him and Lewis get into their car. I take a seat on the Pitwall next to my dad who has become a lot nicer to me since I told him I'm dating George.

POV Carlos:

"No puedo creerlo, ¿esto no puede ser real?" I mumble to myself. I receive a questioning look from Charles. "Ella es mi niña." "Carlos English please." "Never mind, it's not important." "That's not what it sounded like, do you want to talk about it?" "Maybe later, just ask Rupert what's going on, I think I made a very stupid mistake, that's all I want to say about it. By the way, it's also time for training so let's go." Without waiting for his answer I hurry towards my car, I try to start putting my focus on my lap times but after the end of practice I am disappointed in what I could get out of the car, Astin Martin did better than we did, besides I had already got myself all worked up about y/n and George, now I am also angry about not being able to get out of my car what I want to put into it. There is a couple of hours between workouts and I decide to look up y/n is as soon as she is no longer near the Mercedes boxes, I am sure this will happen since I know she like to take walks after every training or races we've done.

Long after all the Mercedes crewmembers have left I see her walking out of George's pit box, for a moment I look to see if she is really alone and begin to doubt whether I should talk to her, I make eye contact with her as she walks past my pit box, I feel myself getting nervous, she walks on without looking back again, I watch her hips rock back and forth as she walks. When she has already walked many meters ahead I decide to go after her anyway. "Hey y/n! Hold on." I notice that she starts to walk slower so I quickly walk in her direction. "Hey how are you?" "You got some nerve huh, weeks I don't hear from you and you blocked me for nothing. Then now you come and ask how I'm doing? If you really want to know, I'm fine." Her answer scares me a little, I know I owe this entirely to myself, but there must be a way to make it up to her. "Let me make it up to you, I shouldn't have reacted like this." " Bit too late don't you think Carlos?" "What you got a boyfriend now?""Why you want to aks me out on a date?" "Maybe, Do you have a boyfriend?" "Yes, I'm with George now, but I'm sure you've already seen that." "I thought you didn't like him?" "Some things can blossom, something we never had time to do because you were jealous of me and Lewis right from the start, when you know he and I have been that way for years." "I'm sorry, really I'm going to make it up to you, believe me." Without waiting for her answer I run back to my pit box to finally get ready for some media obligations that I am actually way too late for.

POV George:

Toto has asked me a few times if I know where y/n is, but I wouldn't know where she is, the last time I saw her was before practice started, she was in the pitlane looking at the Ferrari boxes, something she better not do if she doesn't want Toto to realize we are faking everything. "Congratulations George." I hear behind me, when I turn around I see Lewis. "Congratulations? It's not my birthday by a long shot?" Lewis starts laughing and I look at him questioningly. "You and y/n, stupid. How did you do that?" "Actually, I didn't do anything. actually it's not real." "What do you mean by that?" "Exactly how I say it." "So you're not together?" "I thought she would tell you that." "Well, I guess not." I explain the whole situation to Lewis and he starts laughing. "She crazy, cute but crazy. Why are you getting into this George?" "I thought it would be funny, Toto seemes to buy it." We both laugh. "Where is she anyway, I wanted to ask her some questions." Says Lewis as he searches around the room. "I wouldn't know." Shortly after saying this I see her walk in with Toto, immediately a large portion of the media fly in her direction, this probably to ask her questions about our relationship.

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