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POV y/n:

I was absent from the last races of the season but followed everything with my mother and Jack. With George things are getting better and better, unfortunately with Lewis a little less. I have seen mistakes at Ferrari that I would have handled very differently, but well I shouldn't worry about them, I did write them down so I can discuss them with my father during the winter break and look back. Before the last race I had a call with Lewis, he was very upset about having to drive again on this track where he had just failed to win the year before. Unfortunately for Lewis this year was not his year either and he crashed out, George on the other hand finished on a nice P5, Carlos made it difficult for him to overtake him, secretly I am happy for Carlos that he did not let George drive him crazy. After having to hear the Dutch national anthem again I turned off the TV.

POV Carlos:  

I am going to change after the podium ceremony, the season is over and I am glad I can go home, I am really quite fed up for a while, the last few weeks I have had nothing but angry looks from the Mercedes guys, as if it was my  fault for y/n not being there, she has tried to call me several times but I couldn't bring myself to answer, I didn't respond to her messages either, I didn't know what to say, I tried to keep all my attention as much as possible with my training and with the races. After getting my jeans back on I take my mobile out of my pocket and see that y/n has sent me another message, she congratulates me on my P4 and that I managed to keep Russell well behind me, I send her a thank you back and then lock my mobile again. As I exit my dressing room I have media obligations that I am not really waiting for, my PR team is already waiting, I exchange a quick glance with Rupert as I walk past him, he signals to me that we will talk later. I am shown a spot to stand and I see Charles just walking away, I congratulate him on his P2 and then walk on for my interviews.

I am glad when I am back in my hotel room, for the past few weeks I have not been in the mood for all the interviews, the media has also noticed that there is something going on between me and the guys from Mercedes, I don't want to say anything about it but observant fans have obviously seen me and y/n leave together a few weeks ago and so there are stories about me dating her, I am asked so many times what I thought of her night out with Lewis and George and how I feel about the photo of her and Lewis, again I was asked about it, thankfully my PR team then cut the interviews short and I left immediately. I am sitting at the foot of my bed when there is a knock on the door, I get up to open it and Rupert is standing in front of the door, I let him in and pour us a drink. "Tell me, what's bothering you?" "She sent me another message, I don't know what to do." "Did you respond to it?" "Yeah what else was I supposed to do? It was a congratulatory message, thought it was pathetic to ignore it." "Did you listen to her voicemail?" "No and honestly I don't really want to hear her voice either. I think it's best to block her and focus on myself over winter break, I can't have this if I'm honest." After saying this I grab my cell phone and block her number, it's better that I let her go, it hadn't become between us anyway as long as her father determines her life.

POV George:

I'm running with y/n and she tells me about what happened a few weeks ago. "No but it's not fair I didn't do anything to him!" "Calm down y/n. There must have been a reason." "Then what George because I've been home with my mom and Jack for weeks. Dad's only been back a few weeks and I got blocked the night of the last race by him. I'm sure my dad had something to do with this." "Why don't you ask him? I'm actually pretty sure he didn't have anything to do with this since I've been around him the whole time, I didn't see Carlos after the interviews, I only spoke to Rupert who said he would go to him, I wanted to congratulate him on his P4 but he was already gone." After I said this we run in silence."I don't get it, I let him know that I had to go to my mother.""Don't worry too much about it, you are worth more than that y/n, there are plenty of other guys." "Yeah you're right, but it's not the same." "Should it be the same?" I can see her thinking about her answer. "What if we pretend we're dating, then my dad has it his way and then I can see how he reacts to it." I laugh at her ridiculous childish idea. "I don't think that's going to solve your problem." "Ahw come on George?" "Are you sure about this? I think you better ask Lewis." She starts laughing. "No I can't do this to Lewis, I'm not stupid George, if I ask him this he thinks we can have a relationship later and I don't want to lose him as my best friend." I nod and understand what she means. We finish our round in silence. "Think about it. I don't want to force you into anything, but I heard from Charles that Carlos can get jealous very quickly and if he really doesn't want me anymore he won't mind." "I'll think about it but I won't promise anything!" With that having said that I say goodbye to y/n and walk towards home. 

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