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//I don't own homestuck.\\

"You know what? I don't care! Do whatever you want! Not like I'm in charge of you or anything!" You yell over at the troll Karkat had put you in charge of. You can't do this. He is just too frustrating and you can't handle him. Why are you babysitting anyway? You can help; you can fight! The troll just honks at you. That's all he's been doing this whole time. He refuses to even move.
"HONK" You close your eyes and let out an aggravated sigh.
"Yeah, okay, honk or whatever." You say, sitting in front of him. He doesn't seem threatening at least. You lean forward and poke him gently. He snaps his gaze over to you, honking again.
"Hi. I'm John. What's your name?" You say slowly, trying to avoid his bright red eyes that are fixed on you. He just stares at you with those horrifyingly red eyes.
"Aren't you.. Erm.. Gam...zee?" You ask hesitantly. A nod. Well that's the only reaction you've gotten from him all day.
"Hey, these scratches on your face look pretty bad." You remark, leaning closer to run a finger across one of the scratches. His eyes widen and you let out an involuntary 'shoosh' as you lean closer. They look pretty infected. You grab a damp washcloth from your inventory and scoot closer to gently wipe the white makeup from his face. He flinches and you place your other hand in his forearm to keep him steady. You make your way to lightly brush the washcloth across the theree scratches on his face.
"HOnk" he says, less loudly than before though more distressed.
"Shoosh, it's okay." You say softly, continuing to wipe the makeup from his face. You wipe off the last of it and sit back.
"There, isn't that better?" You smile, putting down the cloth. The troll in front of you looks nothing like what he did moments before. You should probably put some gauze or something over the scratches even though you cleaned them. You find some gauze and medical take and cover up the scratches best you can without obstructing his eyesight. You lean back and tilt your head to the side.
"Say... Don't I remember your eyes being red?

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